by Chris Wood | February 6, 2018 | Conservation
This week’s news that the EPA was suspending the Clean Water Act’s protections for headwater streams was a stark reminder that elections have consequences. The previous presidential administration worked for years to write the rule, and the new one doesn’t like it. Game over, right? No. Don’t forget an unassailable fact—elected leaders are elected. By
by Walt Gasson | February 5, 2018 | Uncategorized
I love Montana. I even like Bozeman. Sometimes those are two different things, as lots of Montanans will be happy to tell you. If I were going to pick a place where I could be close to Bozeman and still feel like I was in “real” Montana, I’d stay with some friends at their ranch
by Chris Hunt | February 5, 2018 | Fishing, Trout Tips
When I was a kid fishing with my grandfather on bigger water, the first thing he always did was flip over rocks as we walked along the river. He’d give each rock a good look, and he’d point out squiggly little bugs to me and my brothers and cousins. “See that?” he’d ask, pointing to
By Chris Hunt Years ago, when I was cranking out fishing content for my old blog, I did a feature each Friday titled, “20 Questions,” which was a thinly veiled homage to the back page interivews of Vanity Fair where folks were asked off-the-wall questions via the famous Proust Questionnaire, like, “What is your greatest
by Chris Hunt | January 31, 2018 | Video spotlight
When is too much water a bad thing for a river and its economy? Montana’s fabled Bighorn River is struggling these days thanks to a flawed water management strategy that is having a serious impact the wild trout fishery below Yellowtail Dam. There’s simply too much water in the river, almost all the time, and
by Chris Hunt | January 31, 2018 | Video spotlight
There’s a great little redfish flat situated behind the airport in Rockport, Texas. A few years back, I did a strange dance with an 8-foot gator on that flat, working back to the shore from about 100 yards out in the mostly clear water as the reptile eyed me from an increasingly close distance. When
by Chris Hunt | January 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
Photo courtesy of Myers Reece and Hatch Magazine. We all have memories of past fishing experiences, those trips into the woods or down the street to the city park pond are never forgotten. Myers Reece’s recent piece in Hatch Magazine stirred old memories … and then I got to the end, and I was hearbroken.