If you’re on social media, I’m confident you have noticed that #vanlife has swept the nation. Powered by social media, modern day van life is inspired by the romantic excursions of previous generations who loaded up VW Westfalias and Transporters to chase down their favorite musical acts, post up at the river in a trout
The Steelhead Whisperer and his daughter with a jewel from the Big Sur River. By Sam Davidson On Martin Luther King Day three men and a diminutive young lady went fishing on California’s Big Sur River—a tiny but fierce watershed on the central coast with a bona fide steelhead run—and the smallest member of the
Christina Barrineau of Wyoming Game and Fish talks to students from Encampment Elementary School as part of efforts of the ongoing project to foster river stewardship on the North Platte and Encampment rivers in Wyoming. Jeff Streeter/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman There is nothing better than being able to cross something off a long to-do
by Chris Hunt | January 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Chris Hunt This week the Outdoor Retailer Show—the premiere outdoor industry event of the season, where manufacturers and retailers gather to check out new products—is happening in Denver. It’s the first time in decades the show isn’t going on in Salt Lake City, and there’s a reason for that. Over the last several years,
by Chris Hunt | January 25, 2018 | Video spotlight
Steelhead season is well under way up and down the West Coast, but here in Idaho, on the Salmon River, the season is on a bit of an unofficial hiatus until March or April. The Salmon is a legitimate steelhead hotspot all throughout the fall, but by the time late December and January come around,
by Leslie Steen | January 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited & JD High Country Outfitters Invite You to Join Us Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 6:30 pm Cory Toye, Wyoming Water and Habitat Program Director will discuss the Systems Conservation Pilot Program, the innovative water leasing work that TU is pioneering in the Upper Green. The program compensates landowners and ranchers
“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow By Dave Ammons It was going to be a wet one. In the days prior to my trip up the canyon the forecast promised showers over the weekend, although I was hoping for the intermittent variety. Nope.