Photo by Chris Hunt By Chris Hunt I’ve got a trip planned to a remote little fishing village in Mexico later this winter, and one of the first things I was warned of when I reserved a little cottage on the beach was (after hitting Google Translate), “There is no cell service here.” I do
Damn it’s cold outside, right? When these deep freeze “bomb cyclones” dip into the normally temperate climes of the American South and leave us all chilled to the bone, I tend to start surfing the travel sites for great deals to points south. Way south. Tropical south. And that, of course, makes me think of
By Dave Ammons I’m pretty sure that woven into most rivers in North America are intervals of private and public water, and the river I fish is no different. I am privileged to have access to nearly a mile of private water, a beautiful mix of long runs, boulder-strewn pocke ts, and stretches of riffles
By Dave Ammons My earliest memories of The Bend were of grand childhood adventures. We skipped stones, a challenge in riffles and rapids. We built rock rings to hold small fires where we cooked hot dogs on sticks freshly snapped and stripped from a willow on the bank. We s plashed at the water’s edge
by Paul Burnett | December 26, 2017 | Conservation
The Weber River is an important trout fishing destination in northern Utah offering excellent angling opportunities and provising a home for unique native fish species at the same time. Trout Unlimited started the Weber River Restoration Program seven years ago to improve fishing and increase native populations. Fluvial (migratory) Bonneville cutthroat trout in the mainstem
by Chris Wood | December 23, 2017 | Conservation
By Chris Wood Last week, I had an hour between meetings in Carmel, California, so I called Tim Frahm, who directs our CA coastal steelhead work. He invited me to look at a project that Christy Fischer, his spouse, and he had worked on. Over chicken sandwiches they told me a riveting story about how
Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday piec es on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer