/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/2.png Editors note: This is the first in a three part series looking at the myths perpetuated in the national discussion about national monuments and the Antiquities Act. By Corey Fisher The issue of national monuments and the Antiquities Act tends to elicit passionate responses, both for and against. It also spurs misconceptions. On December
Monumental Myths: Part 1

Editors note: This is the first in a three part series looking at the myths perpetuated in the national discussion about national monuments and the Antiquities Act. By Corey Fisher The issue of national monuments and the Antiquities Act tends to elicit passionate responses, both for and against. It also spurs misconceptions. On December 4,
Monumental Myths: Part 3

Editors note: This is the third in a three part series looking at the myths perpetuated in the national discussion about national monuments and the Antiquities Act. By Corey Fisher The issue of national monuments and the Antiquities Act tends to elicit passionate responses, both for and against. It also spurs misconceptions. Here are some
A River’s Reckoning in Wild and Scenic Film Festival

A River’s Reckoning in the Wild and Scenic Film Festival Today Trout Unlimited is proud to announce that our film A River’s Reckoning, in partnership with American Rivers, has been officially selected into the 16th annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival—one of the nation’s most popular and prestigious environmental film events. The film, which will
TU statement on new recovery plans for Snake River salmon, steelhead

Recently NOAA Fisheries, the federal agency responsible for recovering marine and anadromous fish species listed under the Endangered Species Act, released new recovery plans for spring and summer Chinook salmon, and steelhead, in the Snake River. The Snake is the largest tributary to the Columbia River. Its runs of salmon and steelhead have declined dramatically
Voices from the River: The ROI of poppies

By Dave Ammons For about two weeks in late June, the garden off the cabin deck explodes in the brilliant red-orange shades of the Papaver rhoeas, common poppies whose seeds were first sown in that spot by my grandfather years ago. I imagine him scratching the soil, strewing a few handfuls of seed indiscriminately, perhaps
Voices from the River: Something worth fighting about

One on a fly, one on a lure. Does it matter how you catch it? By Chris Hunt Maybe it’s a sign of the times. Or perhaps it’s a permanent change to our national psyche brought about the relative anonymity that comes with free-wheeling access to social media coupled with a polarized political landscape. But