Giving a voice to Montana rivers

By Joe Newman There is a little run about 200 meters or so upstream of the confluence of Sheep Creek and the Smith River at Camp Baker, where the water rushes over a rock garden creating a melodic “glug glug glug.” This past summer I would stand on river left, jus t below those rocks,

Video spotlight: The Fix

About this time every year, anglers in Idaho start watching the numbers of steelhead topping Bonneville Dam on the Columbia. Every steelhead bound for the Gem State has to pass over Bonneville Dam and several more dams, including four on the Lower Snake, before finding their way into the Salmon and Clearwater rivers to spawn

Trout Camp 2017 Video from the Ted Trueblood Chapter

Trout Unlimited’s Ted Trueblood Chapter out of Boise, Idaho, orchestrates a summer camp for children ages 10-13 each year. The goals of this camp include educating the campers about fish, fisheries, ecosystems and environments surrounding fly fishing, and the conservation that comes along with all of that. Filmed and produced by Asa Menlove. Video of

Fly tying: Perdigon-style Zebra Midge

The first time I ever used a Zebra Midge, I was bundled up in Neoprene waders and walking my float tube down the S-curves of Idaho’s Silver Creek. Full disclosure: I’m not an enthusiastic nympher, and floating a sunken midge nymph under an indicator is probably my least-favorite brand of fly angling. But when I

Trout Tips: Small stream structure, part II

Trout in austere, backcountry creeks are oppotunists. The very thing that makes these streams so appealing to anglers—cold, cystal clear waters, amazing viewscapes, a wild, largely untouched setting—is what makes life so tough on small-stream trout. Food is scarce, and just about anything that looks like food will get a look from backcountry trout. In