By Tracy Brown Trout Unlimited’s Columbia-Greene Chapter helped to remove two stream barriers in eastern New York, allowing native brook trout and other creek-dwelling creatures to access miles of cold water habitat. One of the projects involved removing an antiquated culvert on the Town of Chatham’s railroad bed, allowing Green Brook (above) to reestablish its
Local Community Helps Improve Stream-side Habitat on the Willowemoc
Volunteers help plant trees along Willowemoc Creek at the Catskill Fly Fishing Museum and Center. By Tracy Brown In celebration of the stunning Catskill fall, volunteers from the communities of Livingston Manor, Roscoe and Walton, N.Y., along with members of Trout Unlimited, recently gathered on the banks of the Willowemoc River to plant trees. “Fall is the perfect time of year
Catskill Stream Improvement
Goals The Catskills are known as the birthplace of American fly fishing. Replete with rivers and streams, the area is a destination for many thousands of fisherman and women each year. TU is actively improving a number of trout streams in the Catskills and throughout the southern tier of New York to increase fishing opportunities
Upper Delaware Watershed Home Rivers Initiative
The Upper Delaware Watershed is home to many of New Jersey’s best trout fishing waters, including the Musconetcong River. Here TU has removed barriers to aquatic organism passage and strategically restored over 6 miles of habitat in degraded areas to increase available habitat, food, and water quality for trout, especially native brook trout. The success
U.S. Forest Service Stream Sim Design Workshop provides timely training in PA
In addition to in-classroom training during a recent TU and U.S. Forest Service stream simulation training workshop, a day was spent in the field to reinforce classroom lessons and to help participants gain hands-on experience with field measurements. By Amy Wolfe In late October 2018, Trout Unlimited hosted a five-day training workshop put on by
Voices from the River: Keeping the Faith
Nick Halle, TU’s volunteer operations coordinator, kept at it even after falling in over his head and was rewarded with this nice buck steelhead from Ohio’s Conneaut Creek during a recent TU staff steelhead outing. By Mark Taylor “I’ve lost all faith.” The admission came from Keith Curley as we stood in the snow on
Voices from the River: Bug life
By Toner Mitchell Your best arguments are the simplest ones. Water, including anything you dump into it, flows downhill. Katrina, Sandy, Harvey and Maria comprise a trend. California and the burning mountain west comprise a trend. God didn’t create all these species so we could destroy his good work. You are sincere, yet careful about