Veterans Service Partnership Couples Trip to Slough Creek!

The Trout Unlimited Veterans Service Partnership (TU VSP) will host the annual TU VSP veteran couples trip to Slough Creek and Yellowstone Park from September 1-7. Veteran couples were chosen from nominations submitted by TU VSP chapters from around the US and from alumni veteran couples who have participated on previous VSP trips. The upcoming

Partnership, persistence take out dam on Ausable

The Quarry Dam blocked fish passage on the Ausable River for decades. Jeff Yates/Trout Unlimited. By Jeff Yates Quarry Dam was a non-functioning concrete and wood dam rendered useless for years. The dam did nothing more than impede trout migration and warm impounded water on the world-renowned West Branch of the Ausable River in the

‘One TU’ in Action on Vermont’s Mettawee River

What makesTrout Unlimited such a powerful force in conservation across the country is not our expertise in river restoration, led by the world’s best and most committedstaff. It’s not our 420 local chapters and state councils, led by over 4,000 passionatevolunteers who marshal our 300,000 members and supporters to take care of local streams, engage

No Room for Mistakes on New York’s Upper Delaware River

National Park Service photo. By Chris Wood and Jeff Skelding It could have been far worse. The Up per Delaware River dodged a bullet last week when heavy rains and flooding washed out a railroad culvert, and a 63-car train carrying an assortment of waste materials, some of it toxic, derailed near Deposit, N.Y. Two

Don’t wait… advocate

The author fishing during Virginia’s vibrant Fall. by Jeffrey Constantz   My mom taught me the old adage: Don’t discuss money, religion, or politics in polite company. Now, as a full-grown, all-knowing, 21-year-old millennial, I have a different, more nuanced opinion. To quote The Who’s 1965 hit, “My Generation,” “I’m not trying to cause a