USGS scientist Than Hitt spearheading innovative brook trout research

USGS fish biologist Than Hitt during stream assessment work in Shenandoah National Park, in Virginia. The summer issue of Trout Unlimited’s Trout magazine that is hitting mailboxes now is full of stories that feature innovative work by TU employees, volunteers and partners. TU’s vice president of eastern conservation, Keith Curley, recently caught up for a

Angler scientists make a difference

Trout Unlimited’s culture of volunteers who step up to care for their home waters — getting their hands dirty to protect, reconnect, and restore trout and salmon habitat — is a pillar of the organization. Those within the TU family know the value of these types of efforts, but it’s also gratifying when they are

The future offers hope

By Chris Wood Jake Marshall, whose Dad helped to organize TroutFest, a huge TU event in Texas that raises a lot of money for youth education through the Tomorrow Fund, said he was there “to help conserve our water s.” Laurel Smith, a graduate of the amazing Georgia Trout Camp, said she was there “to

TU secures $104K grant for NY stream crossing project

By Tracy Brown Trout Unlimited has been awarded a grant of more than $100,000 for flood resilience work and river restoration work in New York. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos recently announced $316,767 in grant funding for three projects to help reduce localized flooding and restore aquatic habitats in

Trout Unlimited lauds conservation elements in Senate Farm Bill

For Immediate Release June 13, 2018 Contact: Steve Moyer,, (571) 274-0593 Laura Ziemer,, (406) 599-2606 Corey Fisher,, (406) 546-2979 Trout Unlimited lauds conservation elements in Senate Farm Bill (Washington, D.C.)Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow led the way in developing a very promising, bipartisan Farm Bill which

Red light — Green light

By Chris Wood The other morning, my friend, Brent Fewell, an attorney who worked at the EPA under President George W. Bush, wrote: “Had dinner and a very encouraging conversation last evening with seven prominent GOP Senators who want to make the environment and conservation a greater priority for the GOP, a return to Teddy