Quest for Kittatinny trout

By Rob Shane As an angler, discovering a new stream with healthy populations of wild trout is a reward that does not come without hours of exploration and research. Truth be told, this exploration can be quite difficult with a rod and reel. Thanks to the Kittatinny Ridge Coalition, Audubon Pennsylvania, and a few electro-shocking

Big things are happening for trout in New Jersey

By Cole Baldino To the average angler, New Jersey may not seem like a top fishing destination, but if you live in the Nor theast, it should be. A plethora of coldwater streams drain from the New Jersey Highlands and into the Delaware River, and Trout Unlimited is working to make the fishing even better

Voices from the River: Iced out

Ice fishing can be fun. Right? By Mark Taylor “Ice fishing?” The text popped up the other day, a week into the unusually frigid spell that had gripped much of the continental U.S. “I don’t think so,” I replied. I’m usually up for just about any kind of fishing, especially if options are limited. And

Six great winter fishing destinations

Most of trout country is in the grips of winter, but that doesn’t mean trout fishing has to stop. Fly fishing for winter trout can be just as productive as spring, summer or fall fishing if anglers take care to adjust to the changes in trout behavior, habitat and, of course, cold temperatures that might

Angler scientists mobilize once again for PA redd surveys

An ongoing redd survey effort in Pennsylvania drew 90 volunteers, who searched streams for spawning trout in three areas. (Chase Howard photo.) As they have for the past several years, Trout Unlimited members spread out across watersheds in Pennsylvania on a chilly day late this autumn to look for spawning trout. They didn’t carry fishing