Maryland Chapter restores part of the Jones Falls

Photos courtesty of Bluewater Baltimore By Don Haynes and Jim Gracie Over the past five years, Maryland Trout Unlimited has been the mover behind restoration of a long stretch of the Jones Falls in area bordering Baltimore County and Baltimore City. After a frustrating process, the project was finished in fall, 2015. A steam survey

Gear test: Orvis Battenkill III Reel

This reel is a significant upgrade for any angler. Trading up my circa 2006 Battenkill III, to this newer model, the first thing I noticed was the more streamlined edges compared to its predecessor. The black nickel compliments any type of rod: from classic bamboo, to vintage fiberglass or even m y trusted Orvis 1980s-era

Voices from the River: Shared water

Greg Taylor of Roseburg, Ore., comes tight to a steelhead on the North Umpqua River. By Mark Taylor IDLEYLD PARK, Ore. — Knee deep in the chilly North Umpqua river, I pulled line off my reel and prepared for the first cast of the day into one of my favorite runs. There was a “plop”

Video spotlight: Grading PA’s trout streams

This may come as a shock to a lot of anglers out there, but the state with the most miles of trout water isn’t Montana or Colorado. It’s not Idaho or Wyoming or California. It’s Pennsylvania. And in Pennsylvania, folks are serious about their trout water, so much so that state Fish and Boat Commission