Headwaters Youth Program exceeds fundraising goal

Starting in 2017, a new fundraising campaign was initiated by the 066-Guadalupe River TU chapter to support and sustain TU’s Headwaters Youth Program: the GRTU Tomorrow Fund. It’s a 10 year fundraising plan to raise $40,000 each year to support staff and programs like Trout in the Classroom, STREAM Girls, and TU’s Youth Camps. We

Looking back at 2017

By Chris Wood Last week, I had an hour between meetings in Carmel, California, so I called Tim Frahm, who directs our CA coastal steelhead work. He invited me to look at a project that Christy Fischer, his spouse, and he had worked on. Over chicken sandwiches they told me a riveting story about how

TU sets restoration record in Driftless Area in 2017

By Duke Welter Trout Unlimited’s Driftless Area Restoration Effort set a restoration record in 2017 and produced a record of solid accomplishments. TU and the many partners who work with TUDARE completed nearly 20 miles of stream restoration through 50 Farm Bill and other projects, adding to the more than 1,200 miles of public stream

Monumental Myths: Part 1

/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/2.png Editors note: This is the first in a three part series looking at the myths perpetuated in the national discussion about national monuments and the Antiquities Act. By Corey Fisher The issue of national monuments and the Antiquities Act tends to elicit passionate responses, both for and against. It also spurs misconceptions. On December

Monumental Myths: Part 1

Editors note: This is the first in a three part series looking at the myths perpetuated in the national discussion about national monuments and the Antiquities Act. By Corey Fisher The issue of national monuments and the Antiquities Act tends to elicit passionate responses, both for and against. It also spurs misconceptions. On December 4,

Trout Tips: Organize by season

Editor’s note: The following is experpted from TU’s book, “Trout Tips,” available for overnight delivery. Organize your fly boxes by the time of year. Yes, BWOs and Adamses can go in any box, but rarely do I ever find the need to use a Hendrickson (light or dark) after I use a terrestrial. Early season

Great Lakes Stream Restoration program makes big gains in 2017

By Laura MacFarland In 2017, Trout Unlimited staff and volunteers helped to reconnect 42 miles of coldwater habitat within the Peshti go River watershed in Northern Wisconsin, as part of TU’s Great Lakes Restoration Program. In collaboration with the Forest Service and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 10 inadequate culverts were replaced with fish-friendly