TU Councils on national monuments

Want to know what 30 of Trout Unlimited’s state councils had to say about national monuments? Here’s the full text of their official comments, submitted July 10. July 10, 2017 Monument Review, MS-1530 U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Comments of Trout Unlimited on DOI-2017-0002, Review of Certain National

Community efforts make impact on Michigan’s Nash Creek

By Jamie Vaughan Students in the Sparta, Mich., community have been crusading to protect Nash Creek for years, planting trees, restoring prairies, and installing rain gardens and other native plant gardens to reduce polluted stormwater runoff on Sparta Schools’ property. Last year, they took their work into the community and took on the large project

Monumental Myths

By Corey Fisher Monumental Myth #1: National monuments are a land grab. Fact: Only existing, federally-managed public lands can be designated as national monuments. These lands already belong to you and I and state or private lands are not included in monument designations. Monumental Myth #2: National monuments lock out hunters and anglers. Fact: National

Conservation Funding: TU Letter to US House re: Agriculture Appropriations

Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agricultue and related – urging strong support for Farm Bill programs in FY18 Appropriations process. 170627_TU_FY18_Ag_Approps_House_FNL.docx.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Trout Unlimited strongly supports Farm Bill conservation program funding in your FY18 Appropriations bill. Dear Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Bishop, and Members of the

TU President Chris Wood thanks LaHood for Good Sam legislation

Pennyslvania’s South Branch Bear Run before and after abandoned mine cleanup efforts. Trout Unlimited has long worked where possible to clean up damage from abandoned coal mines, and has been an active proponent of federal legislation to help facilitate such “good Samaritan” efforts. Recently, TU President and CEO Chris Wood testified on Capitol Hill in