Voices from the River: A year in the Boundary Waters

Dave Freeman with his chosen mode of transportation for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota. Courtesy Dave Freeman. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Dave Freeman. He spent a year in the wilds of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness with his wife, Amy, to raise awareness about proposed mines in

Brookies do better without brown trout

Brown trout limit brook trout access to warmer stream stretches. Photo USGS. A new U.S. Geological Survey study performed at an experimental stream laboratory in Kearneysville, WV, shows non-native brown trout can place a burden on native brook trout under the increased water temperatures climate change can cause. It is one of the first experimental

TU supports Kildee bills to protect Great Lakes from commercial aquaculture

CONTACTS:Taylor Ridderbusch/ TU Great Lakes Organizer, tridderbusch@tu.org/ 715-313-0001 Bryan Burroughs/ Michigan TU Executive Director, bryanburroughs@michigantu.org, 517-599-523 (Feb. 9) FENTON, Mich. Trout Unlimited applauds Michigan Congressman Dan Kildee, D-Flint, for introducing legislation that will protect the Great Lakes and designated Wild and Scenic rivers from the harmful impact of commercial aquaculture operations. The Ban Aquaculture in

Video spotlight: Down and Across

Spey casting is becoming a much more mainstream angling method for big-river fishing, and not just for steelhead and salmon. I’m starting to see spey casters on the South Fork and the Henry’s Fork of the Snake with regularity, chasing rainbows, cutthroats and browns in sweeping runs and throwing 100-foot casts with so little effort

A New School Year with the TU Teens of Gallipolis

The Tu Teens Club of Gallipolis, OH is in it’s 5th year! It is the first of its kind in the mid-west region of Trout Unlimited. Shannon Mayes is a teacher at the Gallia Academy Middle School and founded the club in 2013. TU Teens is part of the Recreation On Campus for Kids (ROCKS)

Protect Wisconsin’s public land

As a kid, Taylor Ridderbusch didn’t realize how fortunate he was to live near 660,000 acres of public land in Nothern Wisconsin. By Taylor Ridderbusch Growing up in Northern Wisconsin, I took the Nicolet National Forest for granted. I didn’t realize that it was unusual to have more than 660,000 acres of public land right