TU urges EPA to reverse course on Clean Water Rule

(June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. The Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it would begin the process of repealing and replacing the Clean Water Rule in accordance with an executive order signed by President Trump in February. The Clean Water Rule of 2015, which was a critical step in protecting headwaters streams and wetlands across

Southwest Colorado leaders visit D.C. to push for Superfund funding

June 16, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ty Churchwell, tchurchwell@tu.org, 970-903-3010 Randy Scholfield, TU communications, rscholfield@tu.org, 720-375-3961 San Juan and La Plata County officials say the Animas River cleanup depends on EPA priority and funding (Washington, D.C.) In the wake of the Trump administrations proposed deep cuts to EPA funding, Southwest Colorado leaders flew to

Bears Ears report bad for public lands

Final decision on fate of Bears Ears and 26 additional monuments will come later this summer WASHINGTON D.C. In an interim report released to the public today, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke recommended President Trump revise the boundary of Bears Ears National Monument and give Congress the option of choosing how portions of the

NRCS awards $1.4 million Conservation Innovation Grant to Trout Unlimited and Encourage Capital

June 8, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Laura Ziemer, lziemer@tu.org, 406-599-2606 Ricardo Bayon, rbayon@encouragecapital.com, 415-373-6363 Pioneering program attracts private investment in agriculture upgrades and river habitat improvements (Washington, D.C.) The Natural Resources Conservation Service today announced a $1.4 million Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) to Trout Unlimited and Encourage Capital, a New York-based investment group, for

Anglers deeply disappointed in climate change decision

Anglers deeply disappointed in decision to withdraw from Paris Climate AccordTrout and salmon highly susceptible to impacts of climate change CONTACT:Shauna Stephenson / Trout Unlimited ssherard@tu.org / (307) 757-7861 (June 1, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. The Trump Administration announced today that it would withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Accord. Chris Wood, President and CEO of

Trump budget bad for clean water, cold water fisheries

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trump Administration budget ignores Americans support for clean air and waterCuts will harm agencies already strapped for funds CONTACT: Steve Moyer / Trout Unlimited(703) 447-8401, smoyer@tu.org Kate Miller / Trout Unlimited(703) 489-6411, kmiller@tu.org (May 23, 2017) Washington D.C. — President Trump released his detailed budget today proposing deep cuts to agencies and

Sportsmen Prepare to Defend Hunting and Fishing Opportunities from Sweeping National Monuments Review

News for Immediate ReleaseApril 26, 2017Contact: Katie McKalip, BHA, 406-240-9262, mckalip@backcountryhunters.orgJudith Kohler, NWF, 720-315-0855, kohler@nwf.orgBrett Prettyman, TU, 801-209-5320, bprettyman@tu.orgBen Bulis, AFFTA, 406-580-6887, ben@affta.com Sportsmen Prepare to Defend Hunting and Fishing Opportunitiesfrom Sweeping National Monuments Review Executive order directing review of dozens of monuments could threaten sportsmen’s access and fish and wildlife habitat WASHINGTON National fishing