05/08/2008 Pacific Salmon Crisis: Seeking Shared Solutions FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Brian Johnson, Trout Unlimited: (415) 385-0796 Paul Johnson, Monterey Fish Market: (510) 525-0999 Michael Brunson: Michel-Schlumberger Wine Estate: (707) 433-7427 x16 Kirk Hardcastle: Taku River Reds (AK): (808) 281-4090 Pacific Salmon Crisis: Seeking Shared Solutions CA Salmon Businesses, Chefs, Fishermen, Vintners & Conservation Groups
Sportsmen support permanent protection of Conservation System lands
04/09/2008 Sportsmen support permanent protection of Conservation System lands April 9, 2008 Contact: Rod Mondt, Trout Unlimited, (520) 207-2883 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen support permanent protection of Conservation System landsBLM lands support some of the best hunting and fishing in the country WASHINGTON, D.C. Today sportsmen across the country applaud the U.S. House of Representatives
Broad Coalition of Groups Support Passage of Clean Water Restoration Act
04/09/2008 Broad Coalition of Groups Support Passage of Clean Water Restoration Act FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2008 * American Rivers * Clean Water Network * Earthjustice * Environment America * Izaak Walton League of America * League of Conservation Voters * National Wildlife Federation * Natural Resources Defense Council * Sierra Club * Southern
Trout Unlimited’s On the Rise Launches on the Outdoor Channel
04/04/2008 Trout Unlimiteds On the Rise Launches on the Outdoor Channel April 4, 2008 Contact: Erin Mooney: 703-284-9408 emooney@tu.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimiteds On the Rise Launches on the Outdoor ChannelNew fly-fishing program features TUs conservation achievements ARLINGTON, VA. Trout Unlimiteds (TU) new television program, On the Rise launches on April 4 at 8
Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmon
02/11/2008 Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmon FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmonScientific review needed to ensure conservation objectives are met February 11, 2008 VANCOUVER A coalition of conservation groups is calling for a scientific review of the Pacific Salmon Treaty to ensure that it is
Trout Unlimited Calls for Changes to the Delaware River Flow Plan
01/15/2008 Trout Unlimited Calls for Changes to the Delaware River Flow Plan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 15, 2008 CONTACT: Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited 703-284-9408 Trout Unlimited Calls for Changes to the Delaware River Flow Plan Washington, D.C.Trout Unlimited has completed an extensive review of the interim Flexible Flow Management Program (FFMP) for the Upper Delaware
Comprehensive agreement for Klamath Basin restoration proposed, sets stage for hyrdropower agreement and dam removal
01/15/2008 Comprehensive agreement for Klamath Basin restoration proposed, sets stage for hyrdropower agreement and dam removal FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 15, 2008 CONTACT: Severn Williams California Trout 510-336-9566, C 415-336-9623 Chuck Bonham, Trout Unlimited 510-528-4164, C 510-917-8572 Steve Rothert, American Rivers 530-478-5672, C 530-277-0448 Brian Barr, National Center for Conservation Science & Policy 541-482-4459 x