TU press release on PFMC decision on California salmon fishing season, 2017

TROUT UNLIMITED CALLS FOR RENEWED FOCUS ON STREAMFLOWS AND HABITAT RESTORATION AS CALIFORNIA SALMON COLLAPSE LEADS TO FISHING CLOSURES Dramatically reduced commercial and recreational salmon fishing in California for 2017 season linked to recent drought, water management miscues CONTACT:Brian Johnson, California/Oregon Directorbjohnson@tu.org / 510-528-4772 (April 11, 2017) EMERYVILLE, Calif.Trout Unlimited today decried the collapse of

Trump budget walls off land and water conservation

TU calls on Congress to reject the worst natural resource cuts of President Trumps Budget Proposal “The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.” — President Teddy Roosevelt WASHINGTON, D.C. After reviewing President Trumps Fiscal Year

Senate votes to take public out of public land planning

(March 7, 2017) Washington D.C. The Senate voted Tuesday to use the Congressional Review Act to jettison a widely supported rule that would have increased public participation and transparency in the land planning process. BLM Planning 2.0 was the result of a multi-year public process, a far cry from what some have deemed as midnight

Resolution underscores public land importance

(Feb. 16, 2017) Washington D.C. A resolution introduced yesterday highlights the necessity of public lands for hunting and fishing, jobs, local economies and healthy fish and wildlife populations. Representatives Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and Dave Reichert (R-WA), introduced the bipartisan, concurrent resolution Expressing the sense of Congress that Americas Federal public lands are

Sportsmen Blast Attacks on Public-Lands Management

Unknown.jpeg Contacts: Judith Kohler, National Wildlife Federation, 720-315-0855, kohlerj@nwf.org;Kristyn Brady, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, 617-501-6352, kbrady@trcp.org; Brett Prettyman, Trout Unlimited, 801-209-5320, bprettyman@tu.org. Sportsmen Blast Attacks on Public-Lands Management WASHINGTON (Feb. 7 2017) Efforts to bring public-lands management into the 21st century by ensuring more public input and timely consideration of the impacts on fish, wildlife

Chaffetz kills bill to sell public lands

Utahs Representative announced a surprising change in course last night (Feb. 2, 2017) Washington D.C.In a surprising reversal, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) announced last night he would withdraw HB 621, a bill that would sell off millions of acres of public lands. As pro-public lands rallies formed across the West this week, the bill drew

Oregons and Californias Smith River protected from foreign mining interests

Photo by Ken Morrish 20-year mineral withdrawal approved by Interior Contact: Dean Finnerty, Oregon Field Coordinator dfinnerty@tu.org (541) 214-0642 Washington D.C. — Oregon and Californias Smith River got welcome news as the Department of the Interior approved a 20-year mineral withdrawal, protecting the river from proposed strip mining. In recent years, foreign mining companies have