Anglers support bill curbing fire sale of public lands

Bill disallows wasteful system that diverts public land management resources. For Immediate Release Contact:Corey Fisher Senior Public Lands Policy DirectorTrout Unlimited(406) 546-2979, (July 20, 2020) WASHINGTON D.C. — Trout Unlimited today voiced support for legislation that helps modernize the federal leasing system and facilitate responsible energy development on public land. The Leasing Market Efficiency

Sportsmen and women support lawsuit to overturn Waters of the United States rule

Amicus brief filed in federal court case brought by Southern Environmental Law Center For immediate release 7/17/2020 Contacts: Steve Moyer Vice President for Government Affairs Trout Unlimited 571-274-0593 Shauna Stephenson National Communications Director Trout Unlimited 307-757-7861 (July 17, 2020) WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representatives of thousands of sportsmen and women across the country filed a friend


P R E S S  R E L E A S E Karuk Tribe ● Yurok Tribe ● Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations ● Trout Unlimited ● California Trout ● Sustainable Northwest ● American Rivers ● Save California Salmon ● Klamath Riverkeeper    For Immediate Release: July 16, 2020 For more information:  Craig Tucker,

“Moving Forward Act” Advances with Approval from House

Bill simultaneously creates jobs and healthier rivers and communities For immediate release 7/1/2020 Contact:  Shauna Stephenson (307) 757-7861 (July 1, 2020) WASHINGTON DC — The “Moving Forward Act,” H.R. 2, passed the U.S. House today with a vote of 233 to 188. “Clean water and healthy waterways are critical elements of the Nation’s infrastructure system,” said

Great American Outdoors Act advances with strong support from sportsmen 

(June 17, 2020) WASHINGTON DC – The Senate voted today 73 to 25 to pass the Great American Outdoors Act, a bill that permanently and fully funds the Land and Water Conservation Fund and provides money for the growing maintenance backlog on public lands.  Upon its passage, Trout Unlimited issued the following statement:  “We know LWCF is incredibly important to hunters and