TU CEO says commitment to conservation critical for Interior nominee Zinke

Zinke has history of working with sportsmen and women on wide range of natural resource issues CONTACT: Corey Fisher cfisher@tu.org (Dec. 14, 2016) Washington D.C. President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana to lead the Department of the Interior. If confirmed, Rep. Zinke would be in charge of managing hundreds of millions

TU lauds WaterSMART program

Oct. 31, 2016 Contact: Laura Ziemer, lziemer@tu.org, (406) 599-2606 Trout Unlimited, Senior Counsel and Water Policy Advisor Steve Moyer, smoyer@tu.org, (571) 274-0593 Trout Unlimited, Vice-President for Governmental Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited lauds WaterSMART program New criteria prioritizes both water savings and river health WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited today praised the Bureau of Reclamations

Wild Steelheaders United, TU applaud WA gene bank designations

Elwha and Nisqually Rivers to be managed as wild steelhead gene banks Wild Steelheaders United, Trout Unlimited call for Skagit River watershed also to be managed for wild steelhead CONTACT:Rob Masonis, 206-491-9016, rmasonis@tu.orgJohn McMillan, 360-797-3215, jmcmillan@tu.org SEATTLE Wild Steelheaders United and Trout Unlimited praised the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlifes decision, announced today, to

Trout Unlimited cheers House approval of bill to help fund abandoned mine cleanup

July 6, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Moyer, smoyer@tu.org, (703) 284-9406 Kate Miller, kmiller@tu.org, (703) 489-6411 (Washington, D.C.) Last night, the House of Representatives approved HR 3844, the Bureau of Land Management Foundation Act. Sponsored by Rep. Jody Hice of Georgia and Rep. Alan Lowenthal of California, the bill would facilitate cleanup of abandoned

Alaska sportsmen celebrate victory for the Susitna River

Photo by Travis Rummel Contact: Sam Snyder, Trout Unlimited, (907) 903-5811 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Alaska sportsmen celebrate victory for the Susitna River Opponents of the Susitna Watana dam proposal celebrate future of free-flowing Susitna River ANCHORAGE, AK – Today, Alaskas Governor announced the state is shutting down the Susitna-Watana Dam project. In so doing, Trout

Forest fire bill provisions fall short

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 23, 2016 Contact: Steve Moyer, TU vice president of government affairs, smoyer@tu.org, (571) 274-0593 Kate Miller, TU director of government affairs, kmiller@tu.org, (703) 489-6411 Trout Unlimited: forest fire bill provisions fall short Draft proposal inadequate for wildfire budget, watershed health (Washington, D.C.) As another wildfire season begins to heat up, the

Trout Unlimited lauds committee approval of Good Sam provisions

June 15, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Moyer, smoyer@tu.org, (703) 284-9406 Kate Miller, kmiller@tu.org, (703) 489-6411 Trout Unlimited lauds committee approval of Good Sam provisions (Washington, D.C.) Today, the House Natural Resources committee approved the Good Sam provisions of HR 3843 and HR 3844, which address the chronic problems of abandoned mine pollution of