Brown Bag: Bringing Back salmon and steelhead on the lower Snake River

Join us January 6 for a brown bag discussion about bringing back fishable and resilient populations of salmon and steelhead to the lower Snake River.  Presenters:  Rob Masonis, vice president western conservation, Trout Unlimited  Helen Neville, senior scientist, Trout Unlimited  When: Jan. 6, 12 pm PST Register in advance: Email for call in info For

Trout Unlimited Applauds Senator Sinema for Working to Protect the Grand Canyon

For immediate release:  12/19/19  Contact:  Nate Rees, Trout Unlimited (480) 236-2479  WASHINGTON D.C. (December 19, 2019) – Protecting the land and water values of the Grand Canyon from the impacts of uranium mining has been a top priority for Trout Unlimited and sportsmen in Arizona. Today Congress moved one step closer to permanent protection for this special

The Salmon Superhighway

On the north coast of Oregon, six major river systems spanning 940 square miles that drain into Tillamook and Nestucca bays provide a historic opportunity for science, collaboration between landowners, resource agencies and other stakeholders, and joint efforts of volunteers and professionals to come together to reconnect productive habitat for six species of anadromous (ocean-going)

Oregon Public Lands Bill Advances Through Senate Committee

Earlier today, Oregon Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley’s bill to protect portions of public lands in the Molalla and Rogue River watersheds, as well as over 100,000 acres of the Kalmiopsis region in Southwest Oregon from mining was favorably reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and is now ready for