Pennsylvanias Slate Run recognized in 10 special places report

Dec. 3, 2014   Contact:   Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited Eastern Water Project Director, 607-742-3331 Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pennsylvania’s Slate Run recognized in 10 ‘special places’ report Exceptional freestone trout stream is a legendary trout fishing destination. WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trout Unlimited is featuring Pennsylvania’s Slate Run in a

Trout Unlimited Statement on George Washington National Forest management plan

wildbrookie.jpg Nov. 18, 2014 Contact: Elizabeth Maclin, Eastern Conservation Vice President, 703-284-9437, Mark Taylor, Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited: George Washington National Forest Plan protects important trout habitat by taking a sensible approach to energy development New plan will not allow leasing of additional lands for energy extraction, reducing

Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled

Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled New report finds Forest Service continued focus on timber shortchanges Southeast Alaskas growth industries: fishing and tourism JUNEAU, Alaska — A new report finds the U.S. Forest Services four-year-old pledge to end old-growth logging and to support key economic sectors in Alaskas Tongass National Forest has stalled. Headwaters

Monongahela National Forest one of 10 special places

Nov. 18, 2014 Contact: Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited Eastern Water Project Director, 607-742-3331 Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monongahela National Forest recognized in 10 special places report Rugged forest in West Virginia has attracted hunters and anglers for generations WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited is featuring the Monongahela National Forest in

TU applauds passage of Klamath River bill by Senate committee

November 13, 2014 Contact: Keith Curley, Director of Government Affairs, (703) 399-9190, kcurley@tu.orgBrian Johnson, California Director, (415) 385-0796, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited commends Senate committee for passing Klamath River legislation, urges quick action by both houses of Congress S. 2379 will resolve long-standing water issues, ease drought impacts, and restore 400 miles of

Catskill Park one of 10 special places

Nov. 12, 2014 Contact: Paula Piatt, Trout Unlimited Eastern Sportsmen Organizer, 570-886-1609 Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The historic region offers an abundance of fishing and hunting opportunities. WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited is featuring New Yorks Catskill Park in a new report highlighting outstanding public fishing and hunting areas in

George Washington and Jefferson National Forests one of 10 special places

Oct. 28, 2014 Contact: Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited Eastern Water Project Director, 607-742-3331 Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited is featuring the George Washington and Jefferson national forests in Virginia and West Virginia in a new report highlighting outstanding public fishing and hunting areas in the Central