Odyssey team explores human impact on the Columbia and its fish

almon on a fork illustrating the canning business. Photo: Matteo Moretti

Editor’s note: TU sent a handful of college students to the Pacific Northwest for this year’s TU Costa 5 Rivers Odyssey to study and fish in the Columbia River basin. The Odyssey team’s journey started in typical Pacific Northwest fashion, a little bit of sunshine, and a fair amount of rain. We set out the

Natural Resources Committee votes to fully fund LWCF

The fund is the premiere program to fund public access and fish and wildlife conservation For immediate release June 20, 2019 Contact: Corey Fisher, cfisher@tu.org, (406) 546-2979 June 20, 2019 (WASHINGTON D.C.) — On Wednesday, the House Committee on Natural Resources voted 21-12 to advance H. R. 3195, the Land and Water Conservation Fund Permanent Funding Act. The act was sponsored by Representative Jeff

5 Rivers Odyssey: Theodore Benjovsky

Editor’s note: The TU Costa 5 Rivers Program is sending a handful of college students to the Columbia River drainage in the Northwest to fish and explore the myriad challenges facing trout and salmon in the region. I am Theodore Benjovsky, and just recently graduated from the University at Buffalo with a Bachelor’s of Science

5 Rivers Odyssey: Matteo Moretti

I’ve always been OK owning the title of that “fishing guy” pretty much everywhere I go because, after all, that’s who I am. Ever since my uncle introduced me to fishing, I haven’t had a second go by when I don’t think, speak or dream of fishing. For me, fishing is the glue that has

5 Rivers Odyssey: Morgan Bradley

My name is Morgan Bradley and I am from Telluride, Colo. From a young age, I began fishing with my dad, who has been a life-long angler. It started with a spin rod, fishing with worms and other bait for species like catfish and bass back when I used to live in Phoenix, Ariz.. When