Omnibus lands protection package fails in House

03/11/2009 Omnibus lands protection package fails in House March 11, 2009 Contact: Tom Reed, (307) 349-8266 Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Omnibus lands protection package fails in HouseEffort to protect millions of acres of public land stalls to chagrin of sportsmen WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday failed to achieve the

Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill

01/12/2009 Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill Jan. 9, 2009 Contact: Charles Gauvin, (703) 284-9401 Tom Reed, (307) 349-8266 Mike Beagle, (541) 772-7720 Sam Davidson, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill Wyoming Range, Copper-Salmon among places in need of safeguarding WASHINGTON, D.C.Hunters and anglers throughout the country support an omnibus

Poll: Western sportsmen want to see fish and game habitat protected as energy extraction continues

12/11/2008 Poll: Western sportsmen want to see fish and game habitat protected as energy extraction continues Dec. 11, 2008 Contact: Jim Lyon, National Wildlife Federation, (202) 797-6888 Steve Belinda, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, (307) 231-3128 Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited, (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Poll: Western sportsmen want to see fish and game habitat protected

Sportsmen ask Ritter to keep his promise, protect Colorado’s roadless backcountry

11/17/2008 Sportsmen ask Ritter to keep his promise, protect Colorados roadless backcountry Nov. 17, 2008Contact: David Petersen, Trout Unlimited, (970) 259-316 Joel Webster, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, (406) 360-3904 David Nickum, Colorado Trout Unlimited, (303) 345-3491 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen ask Ritter to keep his promise, protect Colorados roadless backcountryGovernor should close loopholes allowing unnecessary

Trout Unlimited mourns passing of Tony Dean

10/21/2008 Trout Unlimited mourns passing of Tony Dean Oct. 21, 2008 Contact: Chris Wood, (703) 284-9403 Scott Stouder, (208) 628-3990 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited mourns passing of Tony Dean WASHINGTON, D.C.Members and staff of Trout Unlimited today mourn the loss of a great sportsman and a tireless conservationist who led fellow hunters and anglers

Trout Unlimited Supports Idaho Lt. Governor’s Suggestion for Salmon and Steelhead Recovery in the Upper Columbia River System

8/29/2008 Trout Unlimited Supports Idaho Lt. Governors Suggestion for Salmon and Steelhead Recovery in the Upper Columbia River System Aug.29, 2008 Contact: Erin Mooney, Press Secretary 703-284-9408 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Supports Idaho Lt. Governors Suggestion for Salmon and Steelhead Recovery in the Upper Columbia River System BOISE, IDIdaho Lt. Gov. Jim Risch, while

Anglers, hunters disappointed in latest ruling

8/13/2008 Anglers, hunters disappointed in latest ruling FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Dave Glenn, (307) 349-1158 Dave Petersen, (970) 375-9010 Scott Stouder, (208) 628-3990 Anglers, hunters disappointed in latest rulingRoadless matter has become more about politics, less about the issue CHEYENNE, Wyo.Judge Clarence Brimmers Aug. 12 decision to once again suspend the protection of the countrys