TU testifies before Congress on abandoned mines, need for Good Sam legislation

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2018 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO: (571) 274-0601, cwood@tu.org Steve Moyer, VP of Governmental Affairs: (703) 284-9406, smoyer@tu.org Trout Unlimiteds CEO Chris Wood testifies for Good Samaritan legislation Congress needs to advance legislation to increase the pace, scale and fundingof abandoned mine cleanups. WASHINGTON D.C.Today, the U.S. House

Voices from the River: Twelve hours

TU’s Brian Johnson, the Steelhead Whisperer, and Scott Yates at the end of the steelhead season on California’s central coast. By Sam Davidson The steelhead season ended almost exactly the way it began. I spent both the opener and the close at the same place, with the same crew. With the same results. Which is

The Case of the Shrinking Chinook

Photo by Arne Johnson By: Mark Hieronymus The mighty Chinook salmon, the largest of the Pacific salmon species and the state fish of Alaska, is shrinking, according to a recent article in Fish and Fisheries (2018). Fisheries researchers from Alaska and Washington analyzed several databases spanning more than 40 years and looked at over 1.5

Farm Bill programs making a difference in WVa

The author’s son, RJ, shows off a native brook trout from the restored stream on the family’s land. By Greg Hulver I come from a family of farmers in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, specifically, the Cacapon River watershed. Long ago my family settled this area, and the land that we own has been

Voices from the river: Fishing in the desert

The Arroyo Seco River. By Sam Davidson Not long ago, on an unseasonably warm Saturday, I went fishing in the desert. Well, technically the Arroyo Seco River isn’t desert—the fishable section flows through a rugged canyon sheathed in cha parral. But it might as well be in the desert. It’s hot and dry there much

High Hook Wines: Good wine, good life, good fishing

It started out simple in 2008 when three wine business veterans and life-long fishermen, Mark Seymour, John Heus and Stephen Cary launched the High Hook brand. They had three basic goals. First, they wanted to make really good wine that shows the true fruit character of the grapes and the subtle mineral and other earthy

Southwest Oregon mineral withdrawal passes first test

TU calls on the Interior Department to follow Agriculture Department Decision. By Kyle Smith Last week brought good news for the legendary wild steelhead fisheries of Southwest Oregon. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued a letter on February 21 stating his Department will not pursue a review of the Southwest Oregon Mineral Withdrawal, executed in