STREAM Girls volunteers get their feet wet

By Tara Granke Trout Unlimited is ready to shatter stereotypes and break boundaries. In early September, TU’s Headwaters Youth Program partnered with the Girl Scouts of Western Washington to hold the first-ever Train-the-Trainer for an outdoor STEM education experience designed for middle-school aged Scouts called STREAM Girls. At this training, TU’s Youth Education and Diversity/Women’s

1872 mining reform bill introduced

Bill to reform 1872 Mining Act praised by anglers Sept. 20, 2017 (WASHINGTON D.C.) — Lawmakers introduced a bill this week that would provide much needed reform to the 1872 Mining Act by charging royalties and reclamation fees for mining on federal lands, similar to those imposed on the coal, oil and gas industries. The

Voices from the River: Shocking truths

Al Kittredge of the Smith River chapter of Trout Unlimited displays a 24.8-inch brown trout collected from the river during an electroshock sampling trip in June. The fish was released after it was measured. By Mark Taylor We all know that one decision or event can radically alter our life’s path. Halfway through my senior

Leaked documents a glimpse at plan for monuments

Stand up for National Monuments Leaked documents provide a glimpse into Interior plan for monumentsSportsmen and women say it’s past time for transparency in this process In a set of documents leaked to the media, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke outlined an uncertain future for this country’s national monuments. The story, which broke late

30 Great Places: Pine Forest Range

Region: WestActivities: Hunting, FishingSpecies: Chukar; Bighorn Sheep; Pronghorn; Mule Deer; Rainbow, brown, brook and tiger trout Where: The Pine Forest Range rests in Humboldt County in northwestern Nevada, just south of the Oregon border. This rugged high desert landscape ranges from 4,200 to more than 9,000 feet in elevation, and intersperses sagebrush and otherworldly rock

30 Great Places: White Mountain National Forest

Region: New EnglandActivities: Fishing, hunting, hikingSpecies: Brook and brown trout; whitetail deer; ruffed grouse; moose Where: The White Mountain National Forest comprises more than 750,000 acres in the eastern New Hampshire counties of Grafton, Coos and Carroll with a small portion of the forest extending into Maine. The forest includes over 100 miles of the

Commission moves to formalize fracking prohibition in Delaware River basin

By Keith Curley The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has begun a rulemaking process to protect one of our most valuable fisheries from the impacts of hydraulic fracturing, formalizing a de facto moratorium in place since 2010. Across the country, Trout Unlimited advocates for responsible energy development, which involves protecting the highest quality habitats and