250 Virginia Anglers Assist with Acid Rain Research

4/24/2000 250 Virginia Anglers Assist with Acid Rain Research 250 Virginia Anglers Assist with Acid Rain Research Contact: 4/24/2000 — — Contacts: Catharine Tucker, Trout Unlimited’s Virginia VTSSS Collection Coordinator: (804) 264-6941 Rick Webb, University of Virginia: (804) 924-7817 Maggie Lockwood, Trout Unlimited’s Director of Press Relations: (703) 284-9425 April 24, 2000. Charlottesville, VA. From

Trout Unlimited Volunteers Anxious to Increase Habitat Recovery Resources

4/12/2000 Trout Unlimited Volunteers Anxious to Increase Habitat Recovery Resources Trout Unlimited Volunteers Anxious to Increase Habitat Recovery Resources Fishable Waters Act of 2000 Introduced in Congress Today Contact: 4/12/2000 — — Contacts: Maggie Lockwood (703)284-9425 Steve Moyer (703) 284-9406 Washington, D.C. April 12, 2000 (Washington, DC) – Trout Unlimited, the nation’s leading coldwater conservation

New "Pork" for the Old West

3/23/2000 New “Pork” for the Old West New “Pork” for the Old West Senate Prepares to Give Away Federal Water Projects Contact: 3/23/2000 — — Contacts: Steven Malloch, TU Counsel, 703-284-9415; Maggie Lockwood, Director of Press Relations, 703-284-9425 March 22, 2000. Washington, D.C. In the long history of Western “pork barrel” federal water projects built

TU Helps Restore Winter Flow for St. Louis Creek

3/23/2000 TU Helps Restore Winter Flow for St. Louis Creek TU Helps Restore Winter Flow for St. Louis Creek Colorado Water Court Approves Settlement to Boost Instream Flow Right Contact: 3/23/2000 — — Contact: David Nickum, Executive Director (303) 440-2937 Trout Unlimited announced today that the winter instream flow right for St. Louis Creek would

San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success

3/22/2000 San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success Trout Unlimited Plots Strategy for Upcoming San Juan Water Negotiations Contact: 3/22/2000 — — Contact: David Nickum, Exec. Dir. Colorado TU (303) 440-2937; dnickum@tu.org March 20, 2000. Boulder, CO . . . While the U.S. Forest Service and

Trout Unlimited Releases Analysis of Plum Creek Timber's Proposed Native Fish Habitat Conservation Plan

3/17/2000 Trout Unlimited Releases Analysis of Plum Creek Timber’s Proposed Native Fish Habitat Conservation Plan Trout Unlimited Releases Analysis of Plum Creek Timber’s Proposed Native Fish Habitat Conservation Plan Plan contains a lack of solid conservation commitments and flaws in its scientific foundation Contact: 3/17/2000 — — Bruce Farling, executive director, Montana TU – 406-543-0054

Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber Endorses Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams

2/18/2000 Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber Endorses Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber Endorses Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams Trout Unlimited Strongly, Loudly Applauds the Governor Contact: 2/18/2000 — — Contact: Jeff Curtis, TU Western Conservation Director: 503-827-5700; cell. 503-351-2592; jcurtis@tu.org Alan Moore, TU Western Communications Coordinator: 503-827-5700; amoore@tu.org (PORTLAND, ORE.,