Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish

3/15/1999 Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish Largest Salmon Conservation Group Says Volunteers Alone Aren’t Enough Contact: 3/15/1999 — — Volunteer and local efforts won’t restore endangered trout and salmon without a coordinated, forceful effort from state and federal agencies, says Trout Unlimited,

Dombeck Leads Forest Service Down the Right Road

2/11/1999 Dombeck Leads Forest Service Down the Right Road Dombeck Leads Forest Service Down the Right Road TU Supports Roadless Area Moratorium, But Says Forests of the Pacific Northwest Should Be Included Contact: 2/11/1999 — — The nation’s largest trout and salmon conservation group today applauded the start of an 18-month moratorium on road-building in

Conservationists Welcome Proposal For $100 Million Coastal Salmon Fund

1/28/1999 Conservationists Welcome Proposal For $100 Million Coastal Salmon Fund Conservationists Welcome Proposal For $100 Million Coastal Salmon Fund But New Money Won’t Buy Time For Columbia/Snake Salmon Contact: 1/28/1999 — — The nation’s largest trout and salmon conservation group today praised the Clinton Administration’s proposal to invest $100 million in restoration efforts for coastal