Wild Steelheaders United, Trout Unlimited applaud plan to reopen Skagit River wild steelhead fishery

WSA_Logo_v2_cropped.jpg tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 12, 2018 Contact: Rob Masonis, VP for Western Conservation, Trout Unlimited, rmasonis@tu.org, 206-491-9016 Nick Chambers, Wild Steelhead Initiative Organizer, nchambers@tu.org, 541-908-1329 Trout Unlimited and Wild Steelheaders United applaud decision to re-open Skagit River wild steelhead fishery, call for additional analysis of fishery impact limits to ensure consistency with recovery

TU testifies before Congress on abandoned mines, need for Good Sam legislation

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2018 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO: (571) 274-0601, cwood@tu.org Steve Moyer, VP of Governmental Affairs: (703) 284-9406, smoyer@tu.org Trout Unlimiteds CEO Chris Wood testifies for Good Samaritan legislation Congress needs to advance legislation to increase the pace, scale and fundingof abandoned mine cleanups. WASHINGTON D.C.Today, the U.S. House

TU criticizes BLM for excluding sportsmen voices from public lands planning

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 2, 2018 Contact: Andy Rasmussen, Trout Unlimited, arasmussen@tu.org, 435-760-0089 Randy Scholfield, TU communications, rscholfield@tu.org, 720-375-3961 Public voices shut out of public lands planning Trout Unlimited calls for BLM to honor local stakeholder input in oil and gas development (Denver) The Trump administration announced Thursday an end to the Bureau of Land

TU hails OWRD grants for projects in Crooked and Sprague Rivers

Crooked River, Oregon. Photo: Brian O’Keefe FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Chrysten Lambert, clambert@tu.org, (541) 973-4431 December 18, 2017 Trout Unlimited: OWRD grants for Crooked, Sprague River projects vital and multi-benefit $4.2 million awarded to high priority fish passage, streamflow restoration projects in key salmon, steelhead and native trout waters KLAMATH FALLS, OreTrout Unlimited hailed recent

TU statement on new surface waters classification for North Fork Smith River

For Immediate Release December 11, 2017 Contact: Dean Finnerty, (541) 214-0642, dfinnerty@tu.org Wild Steelheaders United, Trout Unlimited applaud new classification of surface waters for North Fork Smith River New rules enhance water quality protections for the headwaters of one of the best wild steelhead and salmon fisheries on the West Coast COTTAGE GROVE, OreOn Thursday,

Let's move forward on renewable energy bill

Bipartisan renewable energy bill supports local communities and the economy WASHINGTON Today, a coalition of groups representing local government, hunters and anglers, conservationists, clean energy advocates, and the outdoor recreation community sent a letter to congressional leadership, asking them to move forward on bipartisan legislation that aims to advance renewable energy projects on public lands

TU praises new bill to implement key Klamath Basin agreement

Trout Unlimited praises new bill to implement key Klamath Basin agreement Walden legislation “important step” in implementing KPFA CONTACT: Sam Davidson/ Communications Director, California/Klamath Basinsdavidson@tu.org / 831-235-2542 (November 10, 2017) KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. Trout Unlimited, Americas oldest and largest sportsmens organization dedicated to protecting and restoring trout and salmon and their habitats, applauded todays introduction