Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers

7/24/2000 Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers Trout Unlimited’s 2000 Embrace-A-Stream Grants Fund 47 Stream Recovery Projects Contact: 7/24/2000 — — Washington, D.C.. Trout Unlimited, the nation’s leading coldwater conservation organization, today announced recipients of the 2000 Embrace-A-Stream (EAS) grants, distributing

Perrier Backs Away From Mecan Spring Pumping Proposal

2/7/2000 Perrier Backs Away From Mecan Spring Pumping Proposal Perrier Backs Away From Mecan Spring Pumping Proposal Company’s Dealings in Other States Makes Trout Unlimited Wary of “Perrier’s Plan B” Contact: 2/7/2000 — — Resistance from Wisconsin’s anglers, homeowners and environmentalists caused Perrier to rethink its proposal to install a high-capacity pump in Wisconsin’s prized

Dam Removal Success Stories, Executive Summary

12/13/1999 Dam Removal Success Stories, Executive Summary Dam Removal Success Stories, Executive Summary Restoring Rivers through Selective Removal of Dams that Don’t Make Sense Contact: 12/13/1999 — — Few human actions have more significant impacts on a river system than the presence of a dam. Although dams can provide important societal benefits, dams also cause

Removing Dams Has Many Benefits, New Report Says

12/13/1999 Removing Dams Has Many Benefits, New Report Says Removing Dams Has Many Benefits, New Report Says More than 465 Dams Already Taken Down Nationwide Contact: 12/13/1999 — — Restored Rivers Result in Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Financial Savings, Improved Public Safety, and Revitalized Communities Removing dams is often the most effective way to restore

Taking On Acid Rain

9/15/19999 Taking On Acid Rain Taking On Acid Rain Contact: 9/15/1999 — — WHAT IS ACID RAIN? Scientists have determined that acid rain develops when pollution, mostly from coal-fired electric power plants, enters the atmosphere and returns to the ground in the form of acid rain. Specifically, nitrogen oxides and disulfur oxide have been identified

Trout Unlimited Celebrates Rangeley Settlement

7/28/1999 Trout Unlimited Celebrates Rangeley Settlement Trout Unlimited Celebrates Rangeley Settlement Deal Boosts Flows For World Class Brook Trout Fishery, Contact: 7/28/1999 — — Rangeley Lakes, Maine July 29, 1999 Trout Unlimited joined several conservation groups, state and federal agencies, Maine Governor Angus King and others in celebrating a final settlement governing the operation of

Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish

3/15/1999 Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish Largest Salmon Conservation Group Says Volunteers Alone Aren’t Enough Contact: 3/15/1999 — — Volunteer and local efforts won’t restore endangered trout and salmon without a coordinated, forceful effort from state and federal agencies, says Trout Unlimited,