Trout Unlimited Applauds Upper Delaware River congressional Delegation for Working to Secure Funding to Improve Delaware River Flows

12/8/2003 Trout Unlimited Applauds Upper Delaware River congressional Delegation for Working to Secure Funding to Improve Delaware River Flows Trout Unlimited Applauds Upper Delaware River Congressional Delegation for Working to Secure Funding to Improve Delaware River Flows Contact: Leon Szeptycki Eastern Conservation Director Trout Unlimited 434.984.4919 12/8/2003 — Washington, D.C. — Trout Unlimited (TU) and

Bush Administration Environmental Rollbacks Threaten Northwest's Wild Salmon Heritage

8/20/2003 Bush Administration Environmental Rollbacks Threaten Northwest’s Wild Salmon Heritage Bush Administration Environmental Rollbacks Threaten Northwests Wild Salmon Heritage Willingness to strip federal protections from few remaining wild fish in favor of artificial recovery could signal final blow for many wild stocks Contact: Chris Wood Vice President of Conservation 703.284.9403 8/20/2003 — Portland, Ore. —

Senate Approves Energy Bill With Harmful Hydro Provisions

8/1/2003 Senate Approves Energy Bill With Harmful Hydro Provisions Senate Approves Energy Bill With Harmful Hydro Provisions Eleventh Hour Discussions Hold Promise For Improvements in Conference Committee Contact: Steve Moyer Vice President Government Affairs Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9406 8/1/2003 — Washington, D.C. — Last night, in an odd turn of events, weeks of deliberations on

Trout Unlimited Calls for Protection of Important Roadless Areas for Fisheries

Trout Unlimited Calls for Protection of Important Roadless Areas for Fisheries Trout Unlimited Calls for Protection of Important Roadless Areas for Fisheries Contact: Steve Moyer VP for Conservation Programs TU (703) 284-9406 8/7/2002 — Washington, DC — Trout Unlimited today asked the Forest Service to recognize the importance of roadless areas on southeast Alaskas Tongass

Report Shows Alaska's Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon

10/30/2001 Report Shows Alaska’s Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon Report Shows Alaskas Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon Overloading Alaskan waters with hatchery-reared salmon may cause irreversible damage to wild stocks Contact: Jan Konigsberg , Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodiversity Program , Trout Unlimited 907/248-0693 Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodiversity

Trout Unlimited Presents 2001 National Conservation Awards

8/20/2001 Trout Unlimited Presents 2001 National Conservation Awards Trout Unlimited Presents 2001 National Conservation Awards Contact: Russ Schnitzer , , TU 608-252-8404 TU 608-252-8404 8/20/2001 — Portland, Ore. — In what has become one of the organizations most enduring traditions, Trout Unlimited (TU) bestowed awards to publicly recognize outstanding achievements of its members, Chapters, and

Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams

5/22/2001 Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams Subcommittee presented with photographic evidence of dry streambeds in Colorado Contact: 5/22/2001 — — May 22, 2001 Contact: Charles Gauvin, TU President (703) 284-9401 Steve Malloch,