Why folks at Trout Unlimited care so much about a shad fishery up the road from the Washington monument
Time forgot this place. We haven’t.

Why folks at Trout Unlimited care so much about a shad fishery up the road from the Washington monument
Red’s Fly Shop is a complete outfitter, shipping products all over the world from their unique riverside location in the Yakima River Canyon. The history of Red’s dates back to 1932 when it was known as “The Lattice Inn”. Although reports are somewhat unsubstantiated, it is whispered that the Lattice Inn was not for the
Leaf Seaburg Born and raised in the Methow Valley. 30+ years fishing the Methow, 10+ years guiding.
Leveraging federal dollars and partnership muscle to unblock legendary wild fisheries on the OP
Canoe Ridge Vineyard As legend has it, explorers Lewis and Clark noticed a ridge resembling an overturned canoe on their historic 1805 Columbia River journey. Today, that landmark is known as Canoe Ridge Vineyard, the namesake location of one of Washington State’s most recognized wine producers. Established in the Horse Heaven Hills in 1989, followed
Thanks to a new study, we now have a better sense of how many steelhead once returned to fabled OP rivers.
Chris Wood is joining the leaders of other national conservation organizations to move forward with solutions for wild salmon recovery in the Snake River.