Federal funding improves water efficiency in the West

In Wyoming, the federal Farm Bill is put to work improving irrigation on the Henry’s Fork of the Green River. Each installment of Western Water 101 will be accompanied by a podcast, released weekly. Find the fifth episode below, and subscribe to get each new episode as it’s released. This important funding reduces labor, improves

Meet the angler who is trying to complete the Western Native Trout Challenge this summer

Casting for trout in a mountain lake.

“I felt this was an important chapter of history to experience and record,” said Daniel Ritz. “When I personally started to learn more about the history and status of the West’s native species, I quickly realized how change in the West since the arrival of Europeans and the health of its trout species were intertwined. I also quickly realized I was not the only angler, let alone citizen, who wasn’t aware of the state of our native trout.”

TU’s Sara Porterfield ponders uncertain future of water in the West

Editor’s note: To kick off our education series exploring the complexities of water in the West, we interview author and TU’s water policy associate for its Western Water and Habitat Program, Sara Porterfield. How long have you been with TU and what do you work on day-to-day?   Sara Porterfield: I started with TU in October

Building bridges for logging trucks … and native cutthroat trout

“People don’t necessarily think about the necessity of fish to be able to move like terrestrial animals,” said Anna Senecal, an aquatic habitat biologist with Wyoming Game and Fish. “We all know about bird migrations and we know about ungulate elk migrations, but fish need to move as well.”

Wind River Outdoor Company is a conservation leader

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my work with Trout Unlimited Business members, it’s this: “If you want to know about the outfit, you’ve got to know the boss.” I suppose that’s true almost across the board. Organizations, whether they’re multi-nationals or mom-and-pops, tend to reflect the qualities of their leaders. And nowhere is

Large-scale partnership project to restore Lower Swift Creek begins in Star Valley

Historic willow removal, water withdrawal and upstream channel manipulations have resulted in extreme bank instability and areas of excessive erosion and deposition on Lower Swift Creek. Trout Unlimited photo. November 9, 2020 Contacts: Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, lsteen@tu.org Kay Lynn Nield, District Manager, Star Valley Conservation District, 307-884-7119, knield@starvalleycd.org Adam