by Mark Taylor | October 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Rob Shane Pennsylvania boasts more than 86,000 miles of rivers, streams and creeks, second in the United States only to Alaska. That’s three-and-a-half trips around the earth. Thirty trips from Los Angeles to New York. It’s five times more than the 10 largest rivers in America—combined. These 86,000 miles provide clean drinking water to
by Sam Davidson | October 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Consider some of the major factors in the decline of native salmon, steelhead and trout in North America. Extensive loss of habitat from dams and other development. Too much water diverted from streams. Degraded water quality from poorly maintained roads and leaky old mines. In California, you can add cannabis cultivation to this list of
by Jenny Weis | October 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Jenny Weis You learned the facts about the massive proposed Pebble Mine. You’ve seen the fish pictures. Maybe you’ve released the legendary rainbows back into the cold, clear water. You’ve read the science. You’ve been outraged at the lies told by the Pebble Partnership. And then, you took action. More than 750,000 comments were
by Sam Davidson | October 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
Multi-benefit flood control projects in California’s Central Valley, which will help bolster depleted runs of salmon and steelhead in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, will benefit from funding authorized by the state’s new parks-and-water bond legislation. On Sunday, October 15, Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Jr. signed into law a measure that has been one
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 18, 2017 Contact: Alannah Hurley, United Tribes of Bristol Bay, (907) 843-1633 or Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited – Alaska Program, (907) 230-7121 or Tim Bristol, SalmonState, (907) 321-3291 or Alaskans comment in record numbers to preserve EPAs proposed protections for Bristol Bay The EPAs proposal to withdraw protections
by Jenny Weis | October 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Nelli Williams Standing in a packed elementary school gym last week I found myself once again marveling at the persistence and perseverance of the people when it comes to protecting Bristol Bay’s salmon resources. The fight to safeguard Bristol Bay from the proposed Pebble Mine has been waging for over a decade, and yet
by Mark Taylor | October 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Oct. 17, 2017) WASHINGTON, DC – Trout Unlimited, its 300,000 members and supporters nationwide, and its dozens of staff members who work with farmers and ranchers daily, applaud the introduction of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program Improvement Act bill today. The bill is designed to make the Farm Bill’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program, (RCPP), one