On July 26th, 2017, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee advanced S.1514, the Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife Act (HELP Wildlife Act). Trout Unlimited supports this bill, which reauthorizes a number of useful conservation programs until 2023. The reauthorized programs that Trout Unlimited is particularly supportive of include: North Americans Wetlands
TU opposes the Water Rights Protection Act (S.1230)
On July 26th, 2017, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining held a hearing to receive testimony on a number of legislative proposals, including S.1230, the Water Rights Protection Act.. Trout Unlimited’s letter of opposition is included below. 170725_TU_Ltr_S.ENR-PLFM-SubHrg_S.1230.pdf July 25, 2017 Re: TU Opposes the Water Rights Protection
TU supports Oregon Wildlands Act
On July 26th, 2017, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining held a hearing to receive testimony on a number of legislative proposals, including S.1548, the Oregon Wildlands Act, sponsored by Sens. Wyden and Merkley. Trout Unlimited’s letter of support is included below. 170725_TU_Ltr_S.ENR-PLFM-SubHrg_S.1548.pdf July 25, 2017 Re: TU
Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act advances in 115th Congress
This morning, H.R. 825, the Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act was approved by unanimous consent in the House Natural Resources Committee. This step sets the bill up for vote by the full House, which is a great step forward toward moving this legislation into law. Trout Unlimited’s letter in support of this bill is
Video spotlight: Our Water

There has been quite a bit of video and blog content lately from the “hog farms” of Appalachia—private stretches of carefully managed water planted with ginormous trout that literally turn heads and make one wonder if that’s what trout fishing was really like along the Eastern Seaboard before it was completely and totally colonized. (Hint:
Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited letter to U.S. House – Opposing harmful Clean Water rider in “minibus” spending bill
170726_TU_Ltr_H.R.3219_EW_Approps_HouseFloor.pdf July 26, 2017 Re: Trout Unlimited strongly opposes Energy and Water Section 108, a rider to weaken the Clean Water Act, and urges you to support the Beyer, Esty amendment to strip it from the bill. Dear Representative: Trout Unlimited strongly urges support for the Beyer, Esty Amendment to strike section 108 of Division
Senators push for more time on Clean Water Rule

This week, 22 Senate Democrats pushed to extend the timeframe for public input on the repeal of a rule that protected more than 60 percent of stream miles in the United States. Led by Sen. Tom Carper, the group sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers requesting they