FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2017 Contact: Randy Scholfield, TU communications,, 720-375-3961 Citizen scientists enlisted to support Southwest native trout Stream monitoring will help biologists understand the impacts of climate change (Phoenix)Biologists from Trout Unlimited, the University of Arizona and state and federal agencies this week announced expanded citizen science stream monitoring projects that
What would Theodore Roosevelt do? Executive order calls for review of public land protections

A hiker takes in the splendor of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument in New Mexico. Make Your Voice Heard – Take Action Today! Caddis fly blizzards on the Arkansas River in Browns Canyon National Monument. Strongholds of native redband trout in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. Fishing with the ghost of Henry David Thoreau
Fishing, hunting CEOs offer Antiquities advice to POTUS

April 14, 2017 President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Trump: The undersigned organizations are writing in support of the Antiquities Act of 1906 and to express our opposition to any executive action that seeks to administratively overturn a national monument. Signed into law by Theodore
Short casts: Monuments in peril, gear that gives back, wildlife management

Browns Canyon National Monument, Colorado. This week, TU volunteers from around the nation are in Washington meeting with their states’ federal delegations asking them to support the Antiquities Act and ensure a bright future for national monuments all across America. Many of th ese monuments harbor excellent fishing and hunting—two fairly new monuments designated during
Sportsmen Prepare to Defend Hunting and Fishing Opportunities from Sweeping National Monuments Review

News for Immediate ReleaseApril 26, 2017Contact: Katie McKalip, BHA, 406-240-9262, mckalip@backcountryhunters.orgJudith Kohler, NWF, 720-315-0855, kohler@nwf.orgBrett Prettyman, TU, 801-209-5320, bprettyman@tu.orgBen Bulis, AFFTA, 406-580-6887, Sportsmen Prepare to Defend Hunting and Fishing Opportunitiesfrom Sweeping National Monuments Review Executive order directing review of dozens of monuments could threaten sportsmen’s access and fish and wildlife habitat WASHINGTON National fishing
TU Statement re: Hydropower Policy and Licensing
April 11, 2017 title=”application/pdf” />170411_TU Hydro House-H&S-Hearings.pdf title=”application/pdf” />170411_TU Hydro Senate-H&S-Hearings.pdf Re: Statement of Trout Unlimited regarding Hydropower development and opportunities to improve American energy infrastructure. On March 13th the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a hearing on energy infrastructure, titled Hearing to receive testimony on opportunities to improve American energy infrastructure.
Anglers stop Alaska dam before it starts

Eric Booton with a nice early season rainbow trout from the Kenai River watershed. By Austin Williams I had barely stripped the line off my reel to make my first cast when I could feel my phone vibrating from the front pocket of my waders. Rats. Normally, I’d have let the call go, or not