Celebrate Arbor Day with TU in New York

Trout Unlimited is working in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Trees for Tribs Program and other partners to plant more than 4,200 native trees and shrubs on priority coldwater stream throughout eastern New York this spring. The goal of the planting projects is to help

Voices from the River: Fishing with worms

By Chris Hunt I’m an unabashed fly guy, so much so that I’m probably part of that snooty long-rod culture that inadvertently looks down their noses at bait fishers. But I have nephews and a niece who have yet to really get into fishing, so I’m coming to grips with my tweedy issues and making

No traction for mining bill in Montana

The Montana House of Representatives took the side of the hard rock mining industry when they voted to table a common-sense bill, HB 593, recently. HB 593, introduced by Representative Nate McConnell (D-Missoula), would have required an independent audit of mining companies every 3 years. These audits would make sure the mining companies are following

Idaho sportsmen ante up to support wildlife management

Jillian Lukiwski backpacking and fishing in Idaho’s Sawtooth mountain range near Stanley, Idaho. Josh Duplechian/Trout Unlimited By Michael Gibson Significant cuts are being proposed to federal programs that benefit sportsmen and healthy habitat. But in Idaho, sportsmen successfully lobbied to increase their own license fees for the greater benefit of our wildlife, setting an example

Video spotlight: Tracking trout with the fish whisperer

Steve MacMillian spends countless hours traveling to fish for native cutthroat trout in Nevada. Outside Online picture. Is Steve MacMillan the ultimate citizen scientist? We think he is a leading candidate at the very least, but we might be a little biased. Watch this video of Steve exploring the remote corners of Nevada to find

Methow Headwaters – US Senate TU Comments

On Thursday, March 30th, the US Senate Committee on Environment and Natural considered and advanced several bills of interest to Trout Unlimited and our members. [Read TU’s full set of comments for the record, here] TU included the following statement in support of S.566, a bill to withdraw certain land in Okanogan County, Washington, to