title=”application/pdf” />170330_SENR-Hrg-TU-letter-multi-bills-FINAL.pdf On Thursday, March 30th, the US Senate Committee on Environment and Natural considered and advanced several bills of interest to Trout Unlimited and our members. TU submitted the attached comments outlining our comments on the following bills: TU Supports: S.513, a bill to designate the Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management
Short casts: Brookies, clingers and stillwaters

Bringing brookies back to the Southern Appalachians With all the divisiveness in the air these days, it’s refreshing to see people working together to protect fish that have lived in the same streams for almost 2 million years. The brook trout, which first a rrived in the southern Appalachians about 1.8 million years ago, has
Protecting the Methow River from mining moves forward

A bill that would protect lands in Okanogan County from mining is moving forward after a markup in today’s Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing. The Methow Headwater Protections Act of 2017, S. 566, comes on the heels of a 20 year mineral withdrawal, cementing protections for an area known for it’s agriculture and
Bill to honor WWII Veteran and steelhead advocates advances

Sportsmen and women stand behind protections for North Umpqua Washington D.C. — The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee marked up a bill that would protect more than 100,000 acres of habitat important to North Umpqua steelhead in Oregon. The Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Bill, S. 513, honors World War II Veteran, Frank
The Clean Power Plan and your fishing

Order will impact hunting and fishing heritage for generations to come An executive order signed by President Trump yesterday will likely have far-reaching consequences for hunters and anglers as temperatures warm. The series of directives which went far beyond revoking the Clean Power Plan are designed to evaluate and in many cases, do away with
Voices from the River: Turning tragedy into tools for trout

Bob Russell, owner of the Butte Creek Mill and savior of salmon and steelhead. By Chrysten Lambert On Christmas Day, 2015 tragedy struck the historic Butte Creek Mill when it burned to the ground. The flour mill, which is located on the banks of Little Butte Creek, was the only remaining hydro-powered mill still in
TU volunteers, staffers speak up for Chesapeake Bay funding

Raymond Phares (left) of Circleville, W.Va., traveled to Washington DC in late March to meet with Congressional offices in support of funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program. He was accompanied by Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman, who oversee’s TU’s restoration efforts in the up per Potomac watershed. By Mark Taylor Trout Unlimited staffers and volunteers converged