For two decades Trout Unlimited has worked to protect and restore one of the most unique trout sub-species in North America — the Rio Grande cutthroat — by engaging numerous partners in protecting, reconnecting and restoring coldwater habitats in the Rio Grande basin.
“You’re driving?” The question came with an unmistakable tone of incredulity. I had just told a friend that I would be driving from my home in Virginia to a conference in northern Vermont. Their surprise was understandable. The shortest route from my home in Roanoke to Jay Peak Resort is 824 miles. There was a method to
On November 9, Dean Finnerty became the latest Trout Unlimited representative to testify before Congress, when he appeared before the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands in support of the Southwestern Oregon Watersheds and Salmon Protection Act. Few are more qualified to tout the importance of southwestern Oregon streams for salmon and steelhead than
What do bridges, highways, and rail have to do with wild and native trout and salmon?
Community Agriculture Alliance: Common ground on water As originally printed in the Steamboat Pilot & Today on November 3, 2021 Unless you’ve been avoiding the national news in recent months, you are well-aware of the ongoing drought gripping the Colorado River basin. In September, the United States Bureau of Reclamation declared a Stage 1 water
Here lies the promise of our plans to develop a shared agenda of priority waters.
The court’s ruling is great news for trout and salmon and the habitats upon which they depend. The Clean Water Act is vital to TU’s work to protect, conserve and restore streams, and important to anglers across the nation.