Abandoned hardrock mines create some of the most significant water quality problems facing our country, but in Congress we have an opportunity to invest in cleaning up pollution of the past, while modernizing our mining laws so we don’t face the same issues in the future
As I brought the fish to the net, I was overwhelmed with its weight, length and textbook coloring.
As I resuscitated this fish in the slow but moving waters along the side of the Lochsa, I thought of Mark, and I wished that he could have seen this.
Summiting Lolo Pass, I stopped along the side of the road, taking in the wilderness below me, now to the east and south, and thought about all that I was leaving behind.
Congressman, Nez Perce Tribal leader, TU CEO say: Those who care about the imperiled Snake River salmon and steelhead need to speak up on their behalf—now
Now, let’s get them passed in the Senate
Everyone who cares about Bristol Bay knows that the next step is to secure permanent protections for the region. TU and our partners are at work on lasting safeguards
In celebration of Public Lands Month, several TU anglers are showcasing their favorite public lands fishing and hunting destinations
“The elders told us there is no point in building a visitors center if we don’t restore the land,” said Brad Parry, a tribal member leading up conservation work on the neglected landscape. “They told us they want this land back to the way it was when the massacre happened. For those who died to have a peace we need to restore the land to as natural as possible.”