Jan. 15, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, (703) 284-9403 Tim Bristol, Director of TU Alaska, (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EPA Report: Pebble Mine will Damage $1.5 Billion Bristol Bay Fishery in Spectacular Alaska Landscape Trout Unlimited and Sportsmen Across U.S. Call for Immediate Action ANCHORAGE, AlaskaThe Environmental Protection Agencys final Bristol Bay
Nevada working on legislative solution bolster sage grouse populations
For immediate release 12/20/2013 Contact: Jim Jeffress (775) 560-9594 Washington D.C. — A proposal put out by Senators Harry Reid and Dean Heller is taking a hard look at ways to improve odds for sage grouse by embarking on a massive collaboration between a wide variety of stakeholders. The discussion draft released today begins to
Report: Wyoming can meet water needs, protect rivers
CONTACT: Joanna NasarWestern Resource Advocates(720) 763-3728joanna.nasar@westernresources.org Cory ToyeTrout Unlimited(307) 399-4623 (c)ctoye@tu.org Cheyenne, Wyo. (Dec. 11, 2013) A new report , examining one of the most important issues in the West water supply and demand shows that Wyoming is well-prepared for the future. The state will be able to more than meet the needs of residents
TU: Wyden's Bill to Manage O&C Lands a Good Start
TU congratulates Wyden for strong O&C draft legislation Nov. 26, 2013 Contact: Dean Finnerty, (541) 214-0642 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU: Wyden’s Draft Bill to Protect O&C Lands a ‘Good Start’ MEDFORD–Trout Unlimited today congratulated U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden for drafting a bill intended to resolve the contentious issues surrounding the management of over 2 million
TU urges infrastructure upgrades to secure water, protect rivers
Trout Unlimited Press Release Oct. 29, 2013 Contact: Laura Ziemer, 406-599 2606 lziemer@tu.org Steve Moyer, 571-274-0593 smoyer@tu.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited urges infrastructure upgrades to secure Western water supply, protect river habitat Water supply solutions often require new thinking, not a bigger bathtub WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 29, 2013Speaking today at a U.S. House hearing
EPA Report Shows Importance of Headwaters, Wetlands

Oct. 10, 2013 Contact: Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 DSC_1241.JPG FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Importance of Waters and Wetlands Documented in New EPA Report Scientists from sportsmens organizations favorably review report that will guide development ofa new rule clarifying the Clean Water Acts role in safeguarding waters of the United States WASHINGTON A recently released report by
TU supports EPA plan to reduce carbon pollution
Sept. 20, 2013 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Praises Environmental Protection Agencys Efforts to Reduce the Carbon Pollution that Contributes to Climate Change WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited today praised the Environmental Protection Agencys new plans to set performance standards intended to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from