Trout Unlimited Applauds Gov. Andrew Cuomo for Signing Water Withdrawal Law

Contact: Katy Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director, Trout Unlimited, (607) 742-3331, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited Applauds Gov. Andrew Cuomo for signing Water Withdrawal LawNew York’s waters will be better managed; fish and wildlife to benefit. Arlington, Virginia Trout Unlimited (TU) applauds Gov. Andrew Cuomo for signing a state water withdrawal bill into law

Study: Changing climate could cut Western trout habitat in half

Contact: Seth Wenger, Staff Scientist, (208) 340-7046, swenger@tu.orgChris Wood, President and CEO, (571) 274-0601, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Study: Changing climate could cut Western trout habitat in halfNative cutthroat trout could see 58 percent decline in suitable habitat BOISE, Idaho A new study shows a changing climate could reduce suitable trout habitat in the western

TU Podcast: CEO Chris Wood Interviews Henry Winkler

Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, (571) 274-0601, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU Podcast: CEO Chris Wood Interviews Henry WinklerThe Fonz talks about fly fishing, softball and his new book WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood interviews the renowned actor and entertainer Henry Winkler in this weeks TU podcast, available for free at

U.S. House of Representatives Approves Amendment to Uphold Endangered Species Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs, (703) 284-9406, U.S. House of Representatives Approves Amendment to Uphold Endangered Species Act Bipartisan amendment removes rider from appropriations bill. Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited (TU) applauds the U.S. House of Representatives approval of a bipartisan amendment to uphold Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection

Trout Unlimited Calls on Pennsylvania Legislators to Take Immediate Action on Marcellus Shale Commission Recommendations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, 703-284-9408, emooney@tu.orgKaty Dunlap, Trout Unlimited, 607-742-3331, Trout Unlimited Calls on Pennsylvania Legislators to Take Immediate Action on Marcellus Shale Commission Recommendations Additional protections needed–legislators must address reports shortfalls. Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited (TU) supports many of the recommendations from the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission for

House approves bill to undercut the Clean Water Act

Izaak Walton League of America National Wildlife Federation Trout Unlimited FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited, 703-284-9406Jan Goldman-Carter, Wetlands and Water Resources Counsel, National Wildlife Federation, 202-797-6894Scott Kovaravics, Conservation Director, Izaak Walton League of America, (301) 548-0150, ext. 223 House approves bill to undercut the Clean Water Act H.R.