Study Shows West Branch Susquehanna Watershed is Improving

Contact: Rebecca Dunlap: 570-367-8519, rdunlap@tu.orgTU Eastern Abandoned Mine Program For Immediate Release: Study Shows West Branch Susquehanna Watershed is Improving Restoration work leads to better water quality and more fish. LOCK HAVEN, Pa.A study conducted by TU shows that the overall health of the West Branch Susquehanna River and its tributaries has greatly improved, compared

Trout Unlimited, Together With Hundreds of Fishing and Hunting Groups, Applauds Call for Federal Protection of Bristol Bay Watershed

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Tim Bristol Alaska Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 907-321-3291 or tbristol@tu.orgPaula Dobbyn — Alaska Director of Communications, Trout Unlimited, 907-230-1513 or Trout Unlimited, Together With Hundreds of Fishing and Hunting Groups, Applauds Call for Federal Protection of Bristol Bay Watershed (April 22, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska) Trout Unlimited and the Sportsmans Alliance for

Sportsmen Commend Introduction of House Clean Water Bill

News for Immediate Release Contact: Katie McKalip, 406-240-9262, Dawn Merritt, IWLA, 301-548-0150, ext. 220, Erin Mooney, TU, 703-284-9408, emooney@tu.orgAileo Weinmann, NWF, 202-797-6801, Sportsmen Commend Introduction of House Clean Water Bill New legislation would restore Clean Water Act protections, conserve fish and wildlife habitat and hunting and fishing opportunities WASHINGTON The nation’s leading

DEP, Trout Unlimited Help Restore Trout Habitat

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DEP, Trout Unlimited Help Restore Trout Habitat Plantings Along Banks of Horton Brook to Improve Ecology at Key Spawning Area Environmental Protection Commissioner Cas Holloway and Trout Unlimited Director of Land Protection Nat Gillespie today announced the restoration of a key section of Horton Brook which is a known critical spawning area

Massanutten Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Beaver Creek Restoration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408William Conlin, President, Massanuten TU Chapter (540) 438-0149 Massanutten Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Beaver Creek Restoration Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $9,496 Embrace-A-Stream grant to its Massanutten chapter in Virginia

Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant to Study Dam Removal on the Souhegan River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jeff Lindberg, Merrimack River Valley TU President (603)-305-0029Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant to Study Dam Removal on the Souhegan River Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nations oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization,

Twin Cities Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Hay Creek

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney: (703) 284-9408TU National Press SecretaryTwin Cities Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Hay Creek Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $2,500 Embrace-A-Stream grant to the Twin Cities chapter in Minnesota. The Embrace-A-Stream grant will help fund a restoration