For images and b-roll, click here Contact: Chris Wood, Trout Unlimited president and CEO, (571) 274-0601, Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited Alaska director, (907) 230-7121, Nanci Morris Lyon, Bear Trail Lodge, (907) 469-0622 Brian Kraft, Alaska Sportsman’s Lode & Katmai Service Providers, (907) 276 -7605, Pebble mine stopped by Trump Administration U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denies permit for widely-opposed project. Sportsmen and women applaud
As the author of three fly fishing guidebooks, I’ve taken my share of heat for “hotspotting” trout-fishing destinations
This week, backers of the proposed Pebble Mine project in the world’s most prolific wild salmon region submitted a new compensatory mitigation plan to permit reviewers at the Army Corps of Engineers to determine if the plan would meet Clean Water Act standards. The plan has still not been shared with the public, likely because
by Kara Armano | November 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
Public lands importance has risen more this year than ever before giving Americans an opportunity to find respite in nature
Historic willow removal, water withdrawal and upstream channel manipulations have resulted in extreme bank instability and areas of excessive erosion and deposition on Lower Swift Creek. Trout Unlimited photo. November 9, 2020 Contacts: Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Kay Lynn Nield, District Manager, Star Valley Conservation District, 307-884-7119, Adam
By Ty Churchwell Just eight miles from Durango’s city limits is the 107,000-acre Hermosa Creek Special Management Area and Wilderness. Enacted in 2014, the Hermosa Creek Watershed Protection Act is the result of a community coming together for a favorite backyard playground for locals and a destination for America’s public land visitors who flock to the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado each year. Prior to the passage of the
This week, the U.S. Forest Service announced it is exempting the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Rule, and in the process removing protections for more than 9 million acres of the nation’s top salmon-producing forest.