Staying mad

A good friend of mine worked with a women’s group at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Chicago one summer during college. The federal prison famously has these tall, 5-inch wide windows, originally made to be narrow enough that they didn’t require bars. My friend told me that when new women moved in, they complained

On behalf of Bristol Bay, we’re headed to court

Today, Trout Unlimited announced that we are suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over their decision to withdraw protections for Bristol Bay that were established in the 2014 Bristol Bay Proposed Determination. These protections would have limited how much the proposed Pebble mine would be allowed to impact the world-class salmon and water resources of the region. 

Trout Unlimited sues EPA over removal of Bristol Bay protections

October 9, 2019  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Contact:   Chris Wood, Trout Unlimited CEO, (571) 274-0601  Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited Alaska program director, (907) 230-7121  Trout Unlimited sues EPA over removal of Bristol Bay protections  Sportsmen argue EPA ignored sound science, prioritized advancement of Pebble mine over fishing industry.  ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Trout Unlimited, represented pro bono by Sheppard, Mullin,

Trout Unlimited sues EPA over removal of Bristol Bay protections

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:   Chris Wood, Trout Unlimited CEO, (571) 274-0601  Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited Alaska program director, (907) 230-7121  Trout Unlimited sues EPA over removal of Bristol Bay protections  Sportsmen argue EPA ignored sound science, prioritized advancement of Pebble mine over fishing industry.  ANCHORAGE, AK – Trout Unlimited, represented pro bono by Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton

Alaska TU leaders on public lands: Be an advocate

Explorers, hunters, anglers, hikers, climbers, campers and s’mores artists alike benefit from the bounty of Alaska’s public lands for some of our best memories, the fullness of our chest freezers, or our most engaging tales of misadventure. As such, we assume the responsibility of being active stewards of the land and ethical facilitators when introducing new participants to pursuits on our national commons.