Recreation industry leaders outline important job qualifications for next nominee For Immediate Release Oct. 4, 2019 Contact: Shauna StephensonTrout Unlimited(307) Katie McKalipBackcountry Hunters & Anglers(406) (Oct. 4, 2019) WASHINGTON, D.C. – Leaders in the recreation industry called on the Trump administration to put forth a credible nominee to lead the Bureau of Land
Murkowski gives Pebble a stern warning with submitted report language

After issuing a harsh warning to the Army Corps of Engineers at a Bristol Bay salmon event last week, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski followed up by introducing report language in to the Senate Appropriations committee yesterday morning that called on the Corps to make significant changes to Pebble’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Best. Idea. Ever.

By Corey Fisher Over four decades ago Congress declared that “it is the policy of the United States that…the public lands be retained in Federal ownership”. These words were part of the Federal Lands Management Policy Act of 1976 and they marked a point in our nation’s history in which public lands – the 640 million acres of
Bristol Bay leaders grateful for Sen. Murkowski’s directive to follow science in Pebble mine permit review
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Ralph Andersen, Bristol Bay Native Association President & CEO, (907) 842-5257Norm Van Vactor, Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation, (907) 843-2508Nanci Morris Lyon, Bear Trail Lodge, (907) 469-0622Lindsay Layland, United Tribes of Bristol Bay Deputy Director, (907) 843-2401 ANCHORAGE, AK — Today, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the Chair of the Interior, Environment
The stress of an ‘un-seasonable’ summer in Alaska

Climate scientists have been correct so far and it is likely that we will see this un-seasonable weather pattern more frequently. The question Alaskan anglers should be wondering is, how resilient are our world class fisheries?
Happy Public Lands Month!
By Corey Fisher Trout Unlimited is devoting the month of September to celebrating public lands and the agencies dedicated to upholding America’s public land heritage. It’s no coincidence that National Hunting and Fishing Day and National Public Lands Day are both during September — the month is tailor-made for hunters and anglers to enjoy all
Meet the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Like the Bureau of Land Management and the Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is an agency within the Department of the Interior. However, FWS responsibilities extend beyond land management and include the management of fish and wildlife themselves, not just habitat. This includes many fish and wildlife management activities that fall under their purview, including enforcing wildlife-related laws, including the Endangered Species