Lahontan cutthroat a poster child for modeling extinction risk

Researchers work to gather data on Lahontan cutthroat trout. Jason Barnes/Trout Unlimited Determining the conservation needs of at-risk wildlife species is complicated business. Federal and state wildlife agencies—and their partners — need to assess the unique characteristics of different populations to understand the conservation needs of a given species. They typically ask questions like: “Which

Sportsmen rise to protect a gem in the Silver State

Trout Unlimited is devoting the month of September to celebrating public lands and the agencies dedicated to upholding America’s public land heritage. It’s no coincidence that National Hunting and Fishing Day and National Public Lands Day are both during September — the month is tailor-made for hunters and anglers to enjoy all that public lands

Bringing “The Wild” to Washington, D.C.

Trout Unlimited Alaska, the National Capital Chapter of Trout Unlimited and Director Mark Titus are literally bring “The Wild” of Alaska to our nation’s capital. On Thursday, Sept. 19, Titus’ feature film showcasing Bristol Bay, Alaska, and the impacts of the proposed Pebble mine will be shown at the Carnegie Institute for Science (1530 P

5 Rivers Odyssey Reflection: Morgan Bradley

When I think back to my first days of fishing, it is hard to believe where the sport has brought me now. Fly fishing has given me the opportunity to travel the world, experience other cultures, make new friends, gain a greater appreciation for the natural world, and taught me values like patience and determination. Although I’ve been able

Renewable energy, climate change, public lands and bipartisanship … Oh my!

Photo: USFWS/Joshua Winchell In this age of boundless partisanship, something remarkable happened this summer. A smart, forward-thinking piece of legislation addressing climate change was introduced that is sponsored by two Arizona congressmen from opposite ends of the political spectrum: Republican Paul Gosar, who rode the Tea Party wave into Congress in 2010, and Democrat Raul

September is #publiclandsmonth

An angler in the George Washington National Forest By Corey Fisher Trout Unlimited is devoting the month of September to celebrating public lands and the agencies dedicated to upholding America’s public land heritage. It’s no coincidence that National Hunting and Fishing Day and National Public Lands Day are both during September — the month is

New York chapter documenting heritage brook trout strain in Catskills

By Ed Ostapczuk  Science of genetics and DNA continues to evolve, and a New York chapter of Trout Unlimited is using such science to study wild brook trout in a small stream in the Catskills.  The Ashokan-Pepacton Watershed Chapter is conducting a Catskill heritage brook trout study, in partnership with the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program (AWSMP).     Late this past