TU supports the Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act

Bill would help to advance renewable energy projects on public lands in a manner that protects fish and wildlife habitat, and strengthens local economies and communities Upcoming: TU CEO Chris Wood to testify in support of PLREDA before a House Committee on July 25th at 10 am eastern. Read Chris’ written statement or visit the

Congress introduces bipartisan bill to recover fish and wildlife

On Friday, July 12, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), along with 59 members of Congress introduced the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA). Click here to see a letter to Congress signed by TU and a broad coalition of conservation and sportsmen’s organizations in support of the bill.   The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

An accidental trophy

Every now and then, I like to explore and find new water, even in parts of the world I’m very familiar with. Earlier this week, I spent some time in the fringe country of Yellowstone National Park, along the Idaho-Montana border. It’s ranch and cabin country here—there’s a lot of private land that borders public

Northern California summer steelhead could be listed by 2020

We love all steelhead here at Wild Steelheaders United and Trout Unlimited, but some anadromous O. mykiss populations may deserve more love than others. Consider wild summer run steelhead in Northern California. The available data for wild summers between Redwood Creek and the Gualala River (including the legendary Eel River watershed) suggest their numbers are greatly