Every spring, our friends at Orvis host their annual Orvis Guide Rendezvous. For the last eight years, they’ve been kind enough to invite me. And I love being there. One of the greatest parts of that event is the presentation of awards for outstanding guides, outfitters and lodges. But this year was particularly sweet. It
By Nick Sanchez and Jamie Vaughan Urban sprawl, development and agricultural pressures have deforested much of southern Michigan. In rapidly developing areas of southern Michigan, forest and farmland loss continues to this day. Luckily, family forest owners, like the Krug Family, are taking steps to protect their forests and the important waters that flow through
Editor’s note: TU sent a handful of college students to the Pacific Northwest for this year’s TU Costa 5 Rivers Odyssey to study and fish in the Columbia River basin. Surrounded by the shadows of ponderosa pines, the Odyssey crew met up with Shaun Pigott, President of the Deschutes Redbands Chapter of Trout Unlimited. We set out
For generations, Alaska has been known as “the last frontier.” For anglers, it might be better known as the Salmon Frontier. Alaska is, simply put, the best of what’s left. It’s home to the largest salmon runs left in America and, in some cases, the world. Here, anglers share the rivers and streams with mighty
Thirty five years exploring the waters of Wyoming’s Carbon County as a fishing guide connected Jeff Streeter to the landscape of the region in a way few come to realize. After three decades of leading clients to fish on the Encampment and North Platte rivers, among others, Streeter was preparing to hang up the waders.
With a pump of their fists and a tip of their caps, Colorado sportsmen and women are celebrating another successful step toward protecting some 400,000 acres of prime public lands and commending the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources for advancing the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE) Act out of committee this week. The legislation introduced by Colorado
By Christine Peterson In his early 20s, Bill Christensen would gather a group of buddies and head into the mountain for a week. With no meals. “We would either catch fish or be hungry.” They rarely went more than a day without food, eventually finding fish in one of the Uintas’ hundreds of lakes. The