Protecting a unique native in Colorado

A project to protect a genetically unique population of Colorado River cutthroat trout in Colorado is nearing completion. Abrams Creek, near the town of Gypsum, is the only native trout population in the Eagle River watershed. The cutthroat in Abrams Creek have been given a “highest priority” for conservation by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The

Sportsmen cheer reintroduction of Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation, and Working Forests Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sam Davidson, 831-235-2542 Rep. Jared Huffman and Sen. Kamala Harris champion legislation that will better protect and restore habitat and water quality in steelhead and salmon strongholds (April 10, 2019) HEALDSBURG, Calif—Trout Unlimited (TU) today praised the reintroduction of legislation from California Senator Kamala Harris and Representative Jared Huffman (an

Great Lakes Newsletter, Winter 2019

Trout Unlimited’s efforts in the Great Lakes region continue to expand and 2018 was a big year for accomplishments in both the field and in advocacy efforts. TU staff and volunteers worked on dozens of major stream restoration, protection and reconnection projects in the region. TU’s active involvement in important issues helped move the needle on issues