by Chris Hunt | January 23, 2019 | Conservation
The Salmon River and the fabled Sawtooth Mountains of central Idaho. Photo by Chris Hunt. Trout Unlimited members in the West have a message for state legislatures that want to keep trying to “transfer” American public lands to the states: Keep your damn hands off our birthright. As noted in this great High Country News piece
by Mark Taylor | January 23, 2019 | Conservation
By Rob Shane At the January meeting of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, 95 stream sections were approved for Wild Trout (69) and Class A (26) designations. These streams, including a section of the famed Spruce Creek in Huntingdon County, will now receive upgraded levels of protection from development and wastewater discharge. During the
by Mark Taylor | January 23, 2019 | Conservation
Volunteers help plant trees along Willowemoc Creek at the Catskill Fly Fishing Museum and Center. By Tracy Brown In celebration of the stunning Catskill fall, volunteers from the communities of Livingston Manor, Roscoe and Walton, N.Y., along with members of Trout Unlimited, recently gathered on the banks of the Willowemoc River to plant trees. “Fall is the perfect time of year
In April 2016, Trout Unlimited – along with a diverse group of community, landowner, and agency partners – launched an ambitious new initiative to restore and protect the headwaters and fishery of the upper Snake River in Wyoming. The Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative will leverage the capacity of the active Jackson Hole TU
Goals The Catskills are known as the birthplace of American fly fishing. Replete with rivers and streams, the area is a destination for many thousands of fisherman and women each year. TU is actively improving a number of trout streams in the Catskills and throughout the southern tier of New York to increase fishing opportunities
The Upper Delaware Watershed is home to many of New Jersey’s best trout fishing waters, including the Musconetcong River. Here TU has removed barriers to aquatic organism passage and strategically restored over 6 miles of habitat in degraded areas to increase available habitat, food, and water quality for trout, especially native brook trout. The success
by Mark Taylor | December 17, 2018 | Conservation
In addition to in-classroom training during a recent TU and U.S. Forest Service stream simulation training workshop, a day was spent in the field to reinforce classroom lessons and to help participants gain hands-on experience with field measurements. By Amy Wolfe In late October 2018, Trout Unlimited hosted a five-day training workshop put on by