Chulitna River. Photo by Laura Bartholomae By Jenny Weis For those of us in this community who fly fish with any regularity, it’s safe to say we’re pretty lucky. To go fishing is to set aside a few hours just for fun. It’s for breathing fresh air. For taking advantage of clean rivers, access to
Voices from the River: Citizen scientists work to protect their home waters
Each week, dozens of volunteers head afield in the East as part of Trout Unlimited’s citizen science efforts. In the mid-Atlantic region much of the effort has been focused on TU’s shale gas and pipeline monitoring efforts. Jake Lemon, who heads that program, recently reached out to three dedicated volunteers to find out what drew
Voices from the River: Pondering gratitude
We’ll always have to fight for our public lands, but we should be grateful we have them in the first place. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Scott Willoughby It has been said that the hardest math to master is the ability to count our blessings. Funny enough, I’ve never been particularly good at math. That’s
Wilson Creek supporters gather to celebrate wild and scenic NC river
By Mark Taylor EDGEMONT, N.C. — The Wilson Creek area of Caldwell County continues to grow in popularity as more people discover the area’s rugged beauty and recreational offerings. On Nov. 3, several hundred people gathered at the Wilson Creek Visitor Center throughout the day to celebrate the area on the occasion of the 50th
Mountain Bridge TU VSP Well Done!
Today is Veterans day, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended World War I. Today, our nation thanks our Veterans for their service to our country. Trout Unlimited (TU) and TU’s Veterans Service Partnership (TU VSP) wish to thank our Veterans for their service to our country and for the sacrifice they
Act Now to Help Protect the Methow Headwaters
We need your support to help urge the BLM to protect the Methow Headwaters and the habitat it provides for rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, bull trout, mountain whitefish, Chinook salmon, and steelhead. A mineral withdrawal would make the 340,000 acres of U.S. Forest Service land in the Upper Methow Valley off-limits to large-scale mining for
Election losses and wins
Wild Alaska at dusk. By Chris Wood Last Tuesday was Election Day. The Democrats took over in the House of Representatives. The Republicans solidified their hold on the Senate. Buried in the shuffle was the outcome of two separate ballot initiatives . First, in Montana, Trout Unlimited worked closely with Montana TU and other partners